. To All the Aboriginal and the white people that fully - TopicsExpress


. To All the Aboriginal and the white people that fully supported our struggle for Reconciliation, the Apologise like I am sorry, closing then gap, the Stolen generation, and many more there are 2 Aboriginal Struggle that you people never really supported or got behind it the Aboriginal family had to struggle to get it done I know because my brother Peter Leonard Campbell was murder in Long Bay prison in 1980 and that is Aboriginal Death In Custody, and 2 Aboriginal people that been fighting to get an proper deal with the white Business people. Like the Reserves Bank Of Australia that set up an conspiracy of lies in pro-claiming that another person is the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon and basses on what, no document or any documentation what so ever just an letter from the Point McLeay Mission Council Chairman Henry Rankine & the Acting governor of the Reserves Bank Of Australia Bob Rankin, in stating that she is and got no proof what so ever to back them, when they want to make an deal they have to make an proper deal with the right family or are they above the law that they can do and say anything and that is law. But you can help and donate $10 dollars so that we the true family can get a very good strong Lawyer to take on the Cases and you can make a big differences in getting justices for all Aboriginal people and not let them facing what we have been facing this White Business that put things like the Reserves Bank Of Australia have did in throwing money around like an dunking sailor to poor Aboriginal people that cant walk away from easy money like that. The Aboriginal Legal Rights wont help us and the Federal government wont acknowledge that they set up an conspiracy of lies to put my grandfather David Unaipon on the 50 Dollar Note, question why did they did that for, what they are frighten from me an Aboriginal person or they just showing me that they can do anything and show the world that they dont back down when they make an deal with Aboriginal people, but they dont have to show anything then the deal they have made and this is the Reserves Bank of Australia that make 16 billion dollars a year and they went to Point McLeay Mission and throwing around money like an dunking sailor to very poor Aboriginal people that 16 billion dollars in showing who they are they and they made one deal and that it, so we have to take them into the Federal Court to get justice and this time they cant walk out of the Federal Court like they did in that meeting, but we have to have the money to take them into the Federal Court that why we are asking for Donation to get us there and we thank everybody that donate their money for the Causes Ok. Or if an business person that want to make money all you have to do is to get in contact with me Allan Chirpy Campbell by ring this Mobil phone number 0 4 0 5 6 2 3 1 1 0 and we will talk and if you are on Email you can Email me on Clinbell@bigpond and I will show you just how easy its and from when they put my grandfather David Unaipon on the $50 Dollar Note they didnt made an deal with the real living family to put him on the $50 Dollar Note, they set up this conspiracy of lies in pro-claiming that this Aboriginal women Melva Linda Carter is the daughter of my grandfather David Unaipon and my uncle Telford Unaipon, with only an letter from the Chairman Henry Rankine of Point McLeay Mission Council and the members of the Council plus few of the Elders that live on Point McLeay Mission, I will show you Melva Linda Carter Birth Certificate on Point McLeay Mission and her mother Vera Isabella Rigney, The Rigney Genealogy Family Book and in both of them in the father Column it show you her father and The Rigney Genealogy Family Book it was written by her first cousin, Doreen Maude Kartinyeri back in 1984 and finished & publish in 1989 6 years before 1995, so it was out there and every Rigney member of the Rigney Familys Clans they all had the Rigney Family Genealogy Book in their house. Allan Bell Campbell Bank Commonwealth Bank. BSA Number is 0 6 2 2 6 5. Account number is 1 0 5 8 5 2 6 6. Please put in if you care about Aboriginal getting Justice and please put in; $10 Dollars and show your support. I Allan Chirpy Campbell will make sure that the White Business people business met and make the right deal with the right familys and not to set up an conspiracy of lies in pro-claiming that he or she is the daughter of that Aboriginal person with only an letter to say that he or she is the child of that Aboriginal person, they have to produce all document or any documentation of proof to prove beyond an shadow of an dough, like their Birth Certificate or their Genealogy Book, if they have it in a Book, as it have the FATHER in the column of the father area and not to say that the Birth Certificate on Point McLeay Mission isnt believable because it have not got the person that you want in him or her Birth Certificate, that in-saluting all Aboriginal that was born on Point McLeay Mission from 1840 to 1965 in the Old Point McLeay Mission Hospital, I Allan Chirpy Campbell was Born there in on the 28th of October 1947 as many other Ngarrindjeri people and the In-Salute by them Henry Rankine the Chairman of Point McLeay Mission Council and Bob Rankin the Acting Governor of the Reserves Bank Of Australia have said, That all Ngarrindjeri womens are Whores, Sluts and moles in sleeping with all of the mens on Point McLeay Mission like a Dogs Act, and all of the Ngarrindjeri people today fully supported what Henry Rankine have said that Melva Linda Carter is my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter with no fully proof to prove that she is and saying that the Birth Certificate on Point McLeay Mission is not believable, because my uncle Telford Unaipon is not on Melva Linda Carter Birth Certificate, that is an In-Salute to all of the Ngarrindjeri Womens that had Babys on Point McLeay Mission in the Old Hospital. Allan Chirpy Campbell An Old True Blue Aboriginal Ngarrindjeri Ramindjeri Elder of the Pulami, Unaipon, Campbell Family Clans, Warrior Activists. ................................................................... .............................................................................
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:01:24 +0000

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