To All the Easton Family, As many of you know we lost one of - TopicsExpress


To All the Easton Family, As many of you know we lost one of our students over the weekend. Garrett Fichtner was a member of our community and family for more then 5 yrs. He was a great student and member of our community and we will miss him. What I would like to do is ask all of you to live a happy life. This sounds very simple but can be very hard at times. I dont want to pretend that I know what its like to be depressed. However, I do know some hard times in life. When I have had trouble the thing that helped me the most was to reach out for help. I have had personal trouble with anxiety disorder and at times difficulty with marriage. These are both sensitive topics for me and difficult to admit. I felt cowardly for my anxiety and like I failed my family. Even righting this I feel like I shouldnt be talking about it. However, what martial arts has taught me more than any kick, choke or armbar is that I need to face my fears. I need to let them be seen by everybody and learn how to deal with them. When I have been able to do this I have found that these fears and things that I think I should be shameful of are not as bad as I am making them to be. Michael Jordan said it best Limits like fears are often just illusions. So I am asking all of you use those skills we teach you. Not the guard passing or the jab outside low kick. Use the real skills, the skills that have made you improve through your martial arts journey. The one that says I am going to learn this and conquer it. I am going to ask questions and ask for help when I need it. I am going to lean on my friends and family when I need to and be there for them to lean on me when they need. Please if any of you are going through a hard time talk about. To me to Amal Easton, Ian Lieberman, Mike Tousignant, Vellore Caballero, Ethan SnowAntonio Fidelis, Kurt Shrout or anybody you feel comfortable with. Our doors are always open. To close if anybody has some resources on how we can help people please send me a personal message(not a comment on this thread). Please everybody be happy. Finally, my condolences and thoughts are with Garrets family. He was a part of our family and I know I speak on everyones behalf when I say that he will leave an irreplaceable void. Finally, I think in the midst of this sadness it is important to realize that the multitudes of people grieving represent the impact he had. His life mattered.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:27:50 +0000

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