To Alyssa, Austin, and Huntress. Returning Home Chapter 2 I - TopicsExpress


To Alyssa, Austin, and Huntress. Returning Home Chapter 2 I was surprised to find that walking on all fours wasnt too difficult. Years of playing hoarsy with Annie had been a master class. I tried trotting and managed to do so fairly well, though I did stumble here and there. Galloping, however, was a huge failure. My first and only attempt caused me to step on my own feet... hooves and tumble down into a creek. Son of a..., I cursed the soreness of my newly acquired white coat of fur. I slowly got to my fe... hooves and looked around the creek bed. The water was shallow and clean, at the very least, I could be glad for that. The problem came in the form of steep banks. Downstream, the walls only seemed to get higher, turning into small cliffs. One more instance where hands and feet could come in handy. Upstream it is. Taking care as to where I placed my hooves, I slowly picked my way against the gentle current. I was paying so much attention to my footing that I didnt look around. Suddenly, I realized, it went dark. Nighttime was far away. It was dark because I found my way into a dark forest. On the bright side, I was out of the creek. Even better, I found a path to walk on instead of stumbling through the brush. I marveled at all the strange plants. I had been in the Everfree forest before, but Ive never seen these kinds before. Great. Im a pony, AND Im lost. My attention was suddenly drawn to a rustling in the nearby bushes. I watched as a green snake slithered out onto the path. I didnt think it was venomous because it lacked any coloration you would normally find on dangerous reptiles. Hey, buddy, do you know the way out? The snake answered me by springing up at me. I yelped and closed my eyes. The bite never came. I opened my eyes to see the snake floating in midair, suspended by an orange glow. Oh my, whats this I see? Some pony has wandered into the Everfree. I jumped at the mysterious voice. I turned to find a small zebra coming down the path. She had gold rings around her neck and one of her legs, and a large hoop hung from each ear. I couldnt help but notice that she had a spiral sun as a cutie mark. I felt slightly embarrassed for looking there in the first place. Oh, um, hello, I said, Are you the one to thank for stopping this snake? The zebra seemed little shocked at the question. She grinned, That simply isnt true. The one who did that, was you, she pointed a hoof at him, or, rather his forehead. I reached up, What are you... I froze as my hoof bumped into something on my forehead. Is this a horn? Am I a unicorn? (Did not intend for that to rhyme) I plopped onto my haunches and continued checking my head, to make sure I wasnt going insane. The zebra was confused, It is indeed a horn. How did you not know you were a unicorn? Because, until a little while ago, I wasnt even a pony. The zebra adopted yet another confused look, How can that be, how did you become a pony? I goes against nature, of that I am sure. I then proceeded to tell her my whole story. By the way, my name is Rick. Rick Rhinestone. She looked and smiled, Zecorra is my name, potions are my claim. Its a pleasure to meet you, Zecorra. I dont suppose you could point me back to Ponyville, could you? Im eager to return to Twilight and the others. You wish to see Twilight, you say? Im certain I can show you the way. But, perhaps, before you go, there are some magic tips you should know. I recalled the snake that had been suspended in midair just a short time ago. I think Ill take you up on that offer. I certainly dont want to hurt anybody simply because I couldnt control my magic. The phrase struck me as surreal. I now had magical powers. I wish I had them from the beginning, then I wouldnt have spent so mush time in the hospital after I saved Apple Bloom after she fell into the river. Very well. Now follow me to where I dwell. The rhyming was getting a little old, but I saw it as part of Zecorras personality. As we walked, Zecorra explained to me how concentration was key to controlling magic. I really started paying attention I was informed that Twilight Sparkle herself had come to Zecorra for help. Zecorra had me do all sorts of strange exercises to better learn control. There was more to magic than just studying spells. She even had me stand on water while floating various objects around myself. Without focus, a spell go astray, or worse yet, rebound. I had excelled at my telekinesis and managed quite well with my force fields. I had even figured out how to turn my horn into a strong light source. After a month of studying with Zecorra, I decided Id learned all that I could from her, plus, her rhyming was getting old. She offered to escort me to Ponyville, but I refused the offer. If I was going to come back from the dead, it had to be done subtly and delicately. I then left, and started my way to Ponyville. Chapter 3 I finally reached Ponyville. The familiar scent of the Apple family apples, the streets full of kiosks and ponies pedaling their goods, the Golden Oaks Library looming over the other buildings. I was home again. A familiar voice rose from the crowd, Paul, stop! Come back! I spun right in my tracks, Twilight? I was about to charge off to meet her, when I was half tackled by another familiar friend. Paul! Paul! Get back here! Twilight called again, she sounded worried. Paul was jumping around me and licking my face. He seemed like he would explode if he didnt get all his energy in the next thirty seconds. Whoa, easy there buddy, I was fending off the furry attacker with a han... hoof while resisting the urge to simply roll around in the dirt with my dog right then and there. Paul, stop that! Leave him alone! Twilight came out of the crowd and approached us. It was taking every last fiber of my being not to run and squeeze the life out of her. Oh, its alright, I said, Hes just excited to make a new friend. Twilight formed a magic leash and latched it to Paul. Im so sorry about that. Hes normally so well behaved. I just dont understand. Like I said, he was just excited to meet someone new. Its still no excuse. She glared at Paul who was pulling on his magic leash as they started to walk back the way they came. Well, regardless, Im not upset. Anyway, I have to be going. I suppose Ill see you around. Yes, I suppose. Those nonchalant words hurt me. Here was the first friend I made in this world and she was acting like she never seen me before in her life. It slowly dawned at me, she never HAS seen me before. Well, not like this. I decided to follow her and try again. I felt creepy as I trailed Twilight. Shortly, I neared my own home. However, there was something odd about it. When did this park get here? Wait, is that my truck!? I made it from scratch when I was a human. I put my attention ahead of me again to the sight of all his friends congressing in the park. Along with the six, there were also the other princesses, and the cutie mark crusaders. I noticed Apple Bloom bawling next to her sister. I soon realized that this was a memorial dedicated to me. Everyone I cared for the most was here. I started crying tears of joy. Princess Celestia had finished saying her speech, and stepped aside for Twilight. I could only tell it was her through the tears in his eyes by the color of her coat. The whole speech about how he first appeared in front of her house was heartwarming to me. Now I was home.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 01:38:02 +0000

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