To Aunties today you are finally legal and I am so - TopicsExpress


To Aunties today you are finally legal and I am so grateful to be a part of your special day by being in your life. Its been nearly 5 years since aunty first met you but over the years aunties love for you has grown so much that the thought of you leaving saddens me. Aunty and Uncle wanna wish you the happiest of birthdays, thank you for being there for your cousin at the drop of a hat, for balancing out my household when it was over run by testosterone males, for making uncles skin crawl cause you sound like me, for sitting up with me via fb messages when baby wants to do all nighters but most of all for letting me into your life and accepting me as your aunty. Its gonna be hard to farewell you and mum in a couple of weeks, I know im gonna cry, but I will always be haapy for you and mum cause I know you guys are going to build a better future for you and Te Wiroa hahahahaha. I hope you have an aweaome day today and every other day. Love you forever baby...Aunty and the tribe xo
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 11:13:02 +0000

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