To: BOEM public Comment: The Chukchi Sea is not just another - TopicsExpress


To: BOEM public Comment: The Chukchi Sea is not just another massive over-night camping experiment where “lease = competency” for the fossil fuel industry. This confluence of concerted insinuation to environmental folly, for what appears no more than well-connected brats on another hunt for treasure, lends no confidence to common sense notions where “be prepared” once meant something, before striking out. Lewis and Clark? Shell and their industry are not. Their footprint is massive, and their path of destruction is well-documented. And yet here we are again with the same irresponsible requests for more leases, by expectations of an irresponsible industry on well-lawyered steroids. Rather, and of primary significance—the Chukchi Sea is the longstanding home to iconic species of deep heredity’s wildlife, including walrus, whales, seals, and polar bears; a rare, sustainable centerpiece of the authentic subsistence modeling of planet Earth’s eons of life, sustainably practiced by a thread in their coastal communities for millennia; but in your hands right now, as vulnerable as a stretched-to-it’s-limits, Arctic thread; you are being coaxed to snip, as if expendable. The continuity this nation owes stewardship status to such a pristine model of Earth’s legacy cannot be overstated, while the request of the current voracious appetite to dominate whatever territory is deferred to by your lease prospects, is becoming an historically reckless indifference by this industrial model of degradation Shell’s disastrous efforts to drill exploration wells in 2012 cannot undo as they reminded us, that though the Arctic is remote, dangerous, and unforgiving; it is a precious pivotal tale of caution for those who would look back on your rubber stamping expectation, only to ask themselves: “what could those agencies of our republic been thinking?”. There is no proven technology capable of responding to a spill in icy Arctic conditions, and companies claiming to be ready to operate in the Arctic Ocean, are woefully unskilled nor prepared for natures extremes. And they further have not once, proved forward, adequate safety preparation, nor precaution for the massive “accidents waiting to happen,” except after-the-fact dumping destructive, massively toxic cascades into the life-cycle degradation of those environments, once irresponsible stewardship is set aside despite this process who call for, that permits nothing less than expedient greed in the trade off. It is premature to even consider, so irresponsible to enable, let alone off leases in the Chukchi Sea, for which I urge you not to hold proposed Lease Sale 237. Companies already control nearly 2 million acres of leases in the Chukchi Sea. There has been no successful exploration on those leases, and they are still subject to litigation due to a lack of scientific information and inadequate analysis of potential impacts. Rather than pushing forward and making those problems worse by offering more leases, you should take a step back and reconsider whether to allow oil companies into the Chukchi Sea at all. You have the opportunity and obligation to protect the health of the Arctic environment. Take an important step now by canceling proposed Lease Sale 237.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 16:54:15 +0000

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