To Be Taught Her Religion The Prophet (peace and blessings be - TopicsExpress


To Be Taught Her Religion The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): All of you are shepherds and all of you will be asked about your wards. The ruler is a shepherd and shall be asked about his wards. The man is a shepherd of his family and will be asked about his ward. [Bukhari] Knowledge in Islam is of two types: 1) that which is obligatory upon each and every Muslim and 2) that which must be learned by some among the Ummah. Of the first type, it is obligatory for every Muslim woman to know her beliefs, how to pray, how to fast, as well as issues particular to woman such as how to purify herself from her monthly course, etc. She must also know her obligations toward parents, her husband (and his obligations toward him), her children, her neighbors, etc. as well as her rights over each of those. It is the obligation of the husband to make sure that she acquires all the knowledge which it is obligatory for her to acquire. If this means that he has to spend money on books or tapes, then he must do so. The scholars have emphasized the importance of this right of women to the extent that many of them have given her permission to leave the house to attend a lecture at the masjid even without her husbands permission. It is well-known that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said that seeking knowledge is incumbent upon every Muslim mail and female. Allah said in the Quran: O you who believe guard yourselves and your family members from a fire whose fuel is people and stones. Over it are tough and fearsome angels. They do not disobey Allah in any order they carry out that which they are ordered to do. [Noble Quran 66:6] Part of the meaning of this verse is that the husband/father (the shepherd of the household) must take all necessary means to ensure that all those under his guardianship (wives and children) have the opportunity and the means to acquire all the knowledge they need to worship Allah and live their lives as Allah has prescribed that we live our lives. If he has fulfilled that, then he has fulfilled his obligation and will not be asked about the sins of his wife and children. If he fails to fulfill this, then he himself will be asked about their sins and their going astray based on HIS shortcomings in not fulfilling his obligations in this regard. In another version of the hadith about the shepherds, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) continues: ...until the man will be asked about the people in his household: did he establish among them the law of Allah or did he allow it to become lost?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 07:52:26 +0000

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