To Be or Not to Be I dont want to start a debate here on the - TopicsExpress


To Be or Not to Be I dont want to start a debate here on the existence or non-existence of God (I have an eye to this groups purpose) but I want to share with those who do my convictions about God and You and Me.... A question was raised in another group, about the need to religiously seek God and to pray and to have faith, deep faith. I dont want to sound arrogant but the way I see it, is that if God is the Source of our spirit, I dont see how you cannot but be aware or conscious of His presence, (for want of a better word, intuitively). I honestly think one has to be spiritually switched-off not to sense a Presence and discern His signature in the world around. Thats not to say you will necessarily interpret it correctly. And lets face facts: there will never be a time when we do not doubt God, His existence and question what the heck this life is all about. Lets face it, a great deal of it simply makes no sense at all and never will -- at least, not in this life. As a child I had no religious upbringing, yet I can remember at around age 10 getting up in the middle of the night just to sit by the window and gaze up at the stars. Their voice was heard where there is no sound (I think a Psalm says)-- they spoke to me of something BIG. I talked to BIG but I had no idea who or what BIG was, even though I was told about God at school assembly. I honestly think our spirit is not divorced from Gods and whether we know it or not, we are receiving Him as naturally as a flower responds the sunlight. Of course, we do have a will and though God is love and moves on our spirit with His love, oftentimes that will gets in the way of that moving or inner voice of conviction, is wrong-thinking like, for example, selfishness. But my experience is that you cannot remain in that state for long. There is a difference in realizing and actively seeking God in response to the need of your soul. As a believer in Fulfilled Revelation Theology (FRT), seeking is not for salvation but it is purely a personal choice. FRT is an approach to understanding revelation; it is not a religious dogma. You choose to pray and exercise faith, or not to pray and exercise faith. Thats up to you. God doesnt go away. He is not miffed with you if you dont consciously tune into Him. But why would you not want to, if you know the beautiful truth about Him and the amazing things He has done? Ritual...I tried all that stuff for years, even getting early before dawn, to read the Bible and pray and meditate. And whilst there were some great moments, overall it created more questions than answers. Right now, I am learning to simply BE ...I am not trying anything. I simply am. And it works for me, right now; I feel at peace with God. I have never felt this way before.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:54:29 +0000

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