To Current and Future Imo State - TopicsExpress


To Current and Future Imo State Governor ------------------------------------------------------ Education ------------- It is important that we sustain the support for education. The jobs of today and tomorrow need advanced education and only uneducated societies breed poverty. While sustaining basic education, assign greater resources to programs/curriculum in the following disciplines: - Computer Sciences: If you can not write some codes today, you are near unemployable - Management Information Systems: While you need to be able to write some codes, not everyone will make a living writing codes. Some jobs require knowledge of what codes has been written; what systems use and implement which business logic and how to deploy them in organizations - Information Technology: Some jobs require knowing how to mine, organize and utilize information to solve critical business problems. These jobs involve knowing which data is needed to make decisions and how that data is to be managed - Software Engineering: We dont need oil money or jobs to be able to develop applications that can be used by organizations all over the world. All that is needed is a patient and inquisitive mind and our youths possess this a lot. - System Engineering: Getting a basic understanding of how things come together, to solve problems, fosters logical reasoning and critical problem solving skills. Most of the foreign-trained lecturers in Nigerian Universities especially Universities of Technology possess the background knowledge of system. The above discipline will help our youths to secure jobs in the following areas: - Healthcare: Advances in medical imaging, sensing, nanoelectronics, bio informatics, mimetics etc. rely on heavy computations and validations that make the role of experts in the listed disciplines inevitable - Banking and Finance: With electronic banking, all systems being paperless means we are redoing everything that is being done manually with computers. Organizations are in a race to get their systems compliant to avoid losing market shares. Hence, careers in information technology will continue to grow for the next 10 years. - Oil and Gas: The oil industry rely on various automation that will make the job of a software engineer or information system expert needed - Information technology - Telecommunication The above list can go on. Jobs ------ I dont believe youths need monthly payments from government. Youths need the government to create enabling environment for foreign companies to come into Imo State to Invest. The following is needed: - Roads: Please build roads that can support mass transit not the ones that can only carry a governors convoy - Rural Development: When organizations consider getting into Imo State, they know they are not going to ask Imo indigenes living in towns to vacate their land. Rural areas need electricity, access roads as well as water supply - Electricity: This can not be over-emphasized enough. I do not hear our governor and the aspirants talk about electricity. None of the development initiatives you plan will work without electricity. Electricity attracts foreign investment; supports innovation and brings us closer to the world - Tax/Investment Incentives for foreign investment. The world is a global village. If you are able to make a chair cheaper than any company in China, Walmart will come to you. This is black and white economics. Every organization is going around the world looking for alternative sources for their raw materials and products. In addition to cost reduction, there is also another element in the decision for alternative sources-risk management. Organizations are rated on their ability to build their business on a foundation of steady supply of goods and services. Agriculture -------------- We need to be able to feed ourselves. We need to be able to leverage existing technologies, our fertile land and perfect climate to attract food and agricultural technology companies to Imo State. We need to allow these companies to bring their technologies to Imo State and empower our people. This will create jobs and feed our people It is imperative that I mention here that I know there are other equally important development goals our next government can pursue. However, I consider the above issues critical to our survival as a people. The above issues are also within the control of the current and next governor of Imo State. Every country that succeeded today had a strategy and a plan. We hope that our cry to our government to empower our people can be heard by the current and future governor of Imo State. We are living the life today dictated by those who took their time to plan their own development. Every nation and organization is in the same race to win and there is no reason why we should be this backward when we have world class professionals from Imo State scattered all over the world.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:19:04 +0000

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