To Everyone out there who loves your Sec amend. , there are a - TopicsExpress


To Everyone out there who loves your Sec amend. , there are a number of Pro-Gun bills coming and 99% of what they say are GREAT and i do support them ! There is 1 part of 1 bill (HB-203) that I DO NOT SUPPORT though. The part where the training requirment to get a ccw lic is dropped ? I will NOT support this. I have seen WAAAAY to many students on the scale that i deal with (Gen Public) that NEED that training ! Some of The younger generation have MANY preconceived ideas about carrying a gun out on the street that will get them put in jail for pulling a gun out when it was NOT NESSARY. Then if they shoot and cant hit thier target where will those bullits go ? Perhaps YOUR way if you are in the crowd that is down range from where the shooting is ? Perhaps YOUR LOVED ONES WILL TAKE THAT HIT ? Remember just cause a person has no police record does not mean they have common sense or reasonable judgement ,good training can go a LONG WAYS in helping them get at least some of those qualitys more often than not. This is NOT saying these people are bad, just that if they get NO TRAINING they will make serious mistakes. Mistakes that can get the innocent in the line of fire killed. I have personally witnessed MANY MANY younger and a few older people who have bad misconceptions of when they can and cant pull that gun out ? To remove the training requirment to get a ccw lic is folly in my thoughts. I am one of the STRONGEST Pro-Gun people you can meet but i also have reasonable common sense. If you want to carry a gun hidden on your person then you SHOULD have that right ! At the same time if you cant spend a lousy 12 hrs once in your whole life time to get some education on how to carry a gun safely out on the street and get a good idea of WHEN you can use it and when you cant then you dont need the permit ! Carry openly then and you wont need the permit, bad part of open carry is you may get bothered by cops in any city you go too even though you are legal. They will probably be called to check you out? just be aware of that? I do support open carry. Just be aware of the pluses and minuses. The plus side is your not likely to get bothered by a criminal cause then they see thier danger if they attack ? Any of these Pro-gun bills coming up BE SURE to read the WHOLE THING before you make a call and let YOUR politicians know how you feel. THINK ABOUT IT ! Do you REALLY beleive that is a good idea and what will be the LONG range ramifications ? Human nature is to go the easy route in training and in my thoughts that is what many will do if they are no longer are required to do any training to get a lic. to carry concealed. There are some good instructors out there who know how to teach well BUT some of them disagree with me on this issue. YOU be the judge and LISTEN to what i have said here. I have trained well over 6000 people on a 1 on 1 basis and know the gen public well. Some instructors out there are darn good at teaching but dont see the gen public like i do cause they dont get people calling them who are not known to them or refefered to them by other good people. I get people from the Phone book and other more public routes of advertising, In other words more of a wide variety of people. Make your decisions as you fit. I have made my thought known here. My company will stand against droping or weaking the training requirments for a CCW Lic. Any of my staff that has this facebook page may also ad THIER comments below mine . Sincerly Sgt. Kim Rodecker
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 16:57:43 +0000

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