To God be the glory. I want to start this by expressing my - TopicsExpress


To God be the glory. I want to start this by expressing my eternal gratitude for the love and support I’ve received through out my recovery process. However, I woke up this morning feeling weak, angry, and vulnerable. Defensive- but defenseless. Needless to say, that my current physical state has me a little rattled and frustrated. I picked up my sketchbook and pen- and wrote this. I envision that the prayers and well wishes I’ve received throughout my journey towards recovery as a braided rope- with each prayer fortifying its twisted fibers and knotting its ends with love. This rope of love has enabled me to climb my way out of my previous condition. The effects of this love have been invigorating and powerful. As frustrated as I may get, this love is a ready reminder, which helps me refocus my energy. This love provides a tangible example of the power and practicality of God’s true nature. He loves us all and uses the difficulties we encounter as an arena to display his unconditional grace. My physical, emotional, and spiritual strength has been tested throughout this process and I have failed many times. Feelings of guilt, anger, and self-pity have flooded my blockades and breached my levees-. It’s at these moments of weakness that God has stepped up. It’s through this process that I’ve come to realize that God is not an amorphous blob of universal energy in the sky. God is the love we feel and express towards one another. God exists is our random acts of faith and kindness. What I’ve learned through this process is this (my opinion may not be supported according to any religious doctrine- and for my lack of knowledge on that front I apologize) if God is this grand element of universal and cosmic energy; it’s through us that his power is expressed. For example’s sake, I will compare God’s universal power to our (human) intellectual energy or an idea. How are our ideas expressed? For instance, the ideas I currently have running around in my head need a pen and paper in order to take form. They need to be expressed in the physical world in order to prove that they exist. We, as people use a multitude of instruments to express our ideas. We have created these instruments in order to express ourselves. I believe we are God’s instruments. We were created by God to be used by Him. It is through us that God’s idea of unconditional love can be expressed. I understand this because I have been a recipient of this love. I am blessed enough to have experienced how God uses people to express His true and perfect love. We are the conduits, which funnel God’s eternal energy. God doesn’t ask for us to be perfect. He asks us to love- that’s it. Thank you for the love. I am grateful that God has used so many people to express his love for me. I can’t wait to recover to give it all back to His people- all of us. Many blessings, Paco “He’s given us life from His life, from His very own spirit.” John 4:13-16
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 00:02:31 +0000

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