To HAVE MORE In Life First KNOW HOW MUCH YOU ALREADY HAVE.... If you are THANKFUL for what you have, you will have an immediate feeling of CONTENTMENT. When you are CONTENT, it will automatically bring you HAPPINESS. Happiness in return will make you a POSITIVE PERSON. Positive people have a different perspective towards LIFE and handle PROBLEMS with GREATER EASE than NEGATIVE PEOPLE. Its in human nature to always want more. Very few of us have the sensibility to keep the balance of being thankful for what we have and YET keep working towards achieving more. It is also in HUMAN NATURE to compare your own success with others around you. Since we know that changing our NATURE is one of the most difficult tasks one could face, why not keep the same NATURE but use it towards your advantage. Let me explain how... While at University in my second Year of studies at Rutgers. I had no car and i used to take campus buses around to go to my classes. Rutgers was spread out on a few square miles. I had once missed the bus and my next class was about a mile away at Douglas Campus and i was At New Brunswick campus. I started to run and while doing so i was so frustrated and angry that i did not have a car and how i was SO BROKE while so many other students were SO RICH and did not have to put up with what i what i had to go through. I was COMPLAINING and getting IRRITATED at the hand that life had dealt me compared to other students. I had to work full time and study full time etc etc etc. I was thinking all this While i was running, i had to pass through a very run down neighborhood full of drug dealers and gangsters. I saw a child about two years old sitting next to a woman lying on the sidewalk. She was obviously drugged up and was almost passed out. the boy was crying and screaming MAMA, MAMA... and the lady was oblivious to her childs pleas. That very moment thoughts occurred in my mind..... How unfair life is to this child from such an early age. What type of a mindset this child will grow up with, that he can be prepared to face the world. No one to care for him... And I stopped immediately. I sat on the Fire Hydrant observing the child. Helpless i felt. Tried to distract and play with the child but to no avail. I was then told by one of the people to get up and immediately leave the area. So i left what was called Livingston Avenue, and continued my walk to my class. Calm, Content and having learned a lesson so early in life. If you compare yourself to others, please make sure that you compare to the ones LESS FORTUNATE than you to remain HAPPY for what you have. Never did I LET MYSELF FORGET that incident till this day. It worked like therapy for me throughout my life because whenever i felt down, i always found a neighborhood where i would go, sit and VISUALLY reinforce to myself that i have so much to thank ALLAH FOR. If nothing else, be THANKFUL that ALLAH has blessed you with such a fair chance at tackling your problems of life that you have nothing to complain about. Family support, education. exposure. Love. Respect. Faith. Strength. Optimism.....Be thankful for the way ALLAH has blessed you for every little thing. start noticing the less fortunate people around you and realize that you can do something for yourself and OTHERS. Remember that COMPARISON is that thief who will steal your JOY of LIFE. And how do you know that you are not COMPARING your BEGINNING with SOMEONE ELSES MIDDLE. Think.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:54:34 +0000

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