To: Hon Musundire Hope I find u well, Leader, compatriot and - TopicsExpress


To: Hon Musundire Hope I find u well, Leader, compatriot and Honourable. We have reached a point of no return.It is time we should tell the truth and shame the devil..U can silence some people some time but u can not silence all the people all the time.........The chitungwiza leadership must be renewed but the main and real culprit is u and noone else........Chitungwiza has bn the epitome of change but since u assummed power morale decay became order of the day.Expulsions and suspensions ruled roost.Threats and disappearence are no longer surprises......Yes i dont have an axe to grind upon u but pliz its time to hear echoes of mishappiness from the people u claim u lead.....Yes yesterday u made them loose hope,Yes yesterday u shattered their dreams and u closed all Avenues to see beyond u.But Leader.Vana vehuku havasvinure musi mumwechete.....Dont rob them of their right to dislike u.U did create many enermies of yo own thru hiring of thugs to threaten other activists,U could choose which MP or Councilor u want as if u are The people,U had your two thirds of the majority u get at primaries.Not that voters loved u but fear gripped them and as u are labelled a CIO...the electorate had no choice.Fear elected u and not the people.U made the structures alligned to u but anti majority.Yes u were preparing for congress years b4 its actual time.But the structures left us wth an egg on the face.U were a Provincial Chairperson and Candidate for Zengeza East but under your leadership,the constituency u represent only managed to get one Councillor and Satan vs God,u didnt like the Cnlr.It defies logic that how Zengeza East wards had double candidates at your watchfull eyes and u being the signatory to that ochestration of demise to the party.It defies logic how u create a Musundire empire as if u own Chitungwiza province......Where did u get the tittle deeds?....its high time u admit that politics of beer and meat is a behind.People power overides personal egos.This is not about conquest of power and returnsion of power but its about discharge of duty...U have failed the test and dont blame the messanger,blame the message u crafted and authored yet it was at yo own peril.Yes on Friday people spoke...This has nothing to do wth the Tsvangirai/Mangoma dibbacle but about your incompetence,sawing divisions in the party,lacking vision,personalising Chitungwiza,autocrac­ y,Dictatorship,indiv­ idualism,subbotaging party projects,Violence and lack of respect for others...But above all this yo links to the enermies of the people.We knw u are trying to bring in Chamisa in this province to save u but shame on you that Chamisa will be answerable to the people of Chitungwiza....u were together when u did the imposition of candidates in Chitungwiza...he is only being forgiven for siding wth the man of the people hence our forgiving him...all the old cadres u expell or suspend should be allowed entry back into the big tent...Yes,too much power corrupts but no amount of money will buy peoples sympathy for u once more...No any hordes of thugs will major the minor of yo capacity....CHITUNGWIZA SPOKE ON FRIDAY AND NO ANY ASTRONOMICAL PROPAGANDA WILL SAVE YO CHOP,NOT EVEN CHAMISA WILL COME TO YO RESCUE.....I REST MY CASE. Thank u Comrade my frend Polite Musarurwa Mdc-t National Spokisiwumani
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 13:47:08 +0000

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