To James Sanchez I am appalled by your recent call for Mr. - TopicsExpress


To James Sanchez I am appalled by your recent call for Mr. Welsh’s resignation. You have absolutely no grounds for this action. You say you are for the kids but your actions indicate just the opposite. I don’t know whose agenda you are following, but to say that Mr. Welsh has been about underachieving is as far as possible from the truth. Funny that your and Mr. Varoz’ communications did not reach those of us in the Center School District who live outside the town of Center. I first learned about the events via online media. I was one of five school board members who hired Mr. Welsh as Middle-High principal in 1996. I have often said that that was the best decision we ever made for Center Consolidated Schools. At the time Center Schools were a pariah amongst the schools in the San Luis Valley. When he began work as principal, Mr. Welsh found that administrative supervision had been so sorely lacking that some students went to class only if they felt like it. After being asked by a student “who the F are you?” when he directed him to get to class on his first day as principal, Mr. Welsh immediately went about “winning back the halls” as his first priority. He has never given up striving to make our school better. Mr. Welsh saw such potential in our district that when the superintendent position opened up, I encouraged him to apply for the job. I’m glad to say that we had the foresight and confidence to place him in that position. My children attended Center Schools from Pre-K through graduation starting in 1991. I know that the students today are receiving a much, much better education than my children did. This is because Mr. Welsh and his excellent administrative staff have made sure that the teachers have opportunities to become very thoroughly trained in programs that work and are held accountable for excellence every day. We now have an outstanding staff who work hard to see to it that all students are learning and being held accountable for what they learn every day. Even with the great efforts of our educators, they can’t control the conditions under which a student enters the school district. To call for an exemplary superintendent’s resignation because of low (but rising) ACT scores and ignore so many other vast improvements is ludicrous. We now have a school filled with that old Viking pride, a school where learning is going on every day, a school that is well thought of in the SLV and the state, a school that is welcoming to all. You present a list of questions for residents of Center School District (except those who live beyond the town limits) to consider. Though you didn’t ask me, I will go ahead and respond publicly. 1. Is it all right for the superintendent to be gone from the CSD 50-60 percent of the time? More information is needed. Are you sure of your percentages? I know for a fact that he always has his laptop and cell phone and keeps up with everything that is going on and does the work required of him. We are way past the days when a superintendent sits at a desk and pushes paper all day. Are you saying that he needs to be in the district every day and conduct classes himself? Patrol the halls? Mr. Welsh networks with school districts and superintendents throughout the state as well as working with state law makers and the Colorado Department of Education. He also attends meetings where “best practices” are showcased. His collaborative efforts have been noticed statewide and his being awarded Superintendent of the Year is a wonderful honor for our school district. As a taxpayer in the district I appreciate how his efforts have brought much needed resources to the kids in our school. 2. Is it okay for a child to be placed in a cell as part of his or her punishment? Cell is your word for a small cubicle? It is my understanding that this issue has been addressed through policy since you and Mr. Varoz made objections to the way in-house suspensions were being handled. Now I’ll ask you a question – is it better for a disruptive student to serve in-house suspension, be made accountable for their behavior and do their regular schoolwork or be sent home to watch TV or get in trouble around town? The lack of discipline that was rampant especially in the middle-high right after Varoz’ tenure here was a major concern of the community according to the 1994 Communications Audit conducted by the Colorado Association of School Boards. 3. Do you agree or disagree that a superintendent has complete authority of the school district or should that be the school board’s authority? The school board hires the superintendent to be the chief executive officer of the school district. School board members set the priorities, vision and goals for the district. However they have no business micro-managing the school district. It works best when the priorities, vision and goals are set, then let the professionals do the work. If issues come up, school board members go to the superintendent with their concerns and those issues should be resolved collaboratively. 4. Who should be held accountable for low TCAP scores? There are so many factors that go into TCAP (and before that, CSAP) scores that this question is not answerable without many qualifications. Is the student taking the tests an English language learner? Is the student taking the test living in poverty? How many years has the student been in Center Schools? Is the student motivated to do his/her best? Are the educators doing their best? I think the responsibility (and credit!) is shared by all – administrators, educators and students alike. 5. Mr. Varos (your spelling, not mine) was given a vote of no confidence by the school teachers. Should they be also be (sic) given a vote of no confidence or a vote of support by you the parents? The teachers’ work environment is directly affected by school board members’ actions; they have a right to a vote of no confidence if they feel they are being negatively impacted by said school board member. If a parent has concerns about their child’s teacher, they need to go to the teacher with their concerns. If not satisfied, they then go to the principal and on up the chain of command until satisfied. 6. Do you support the superintend (again your spelling) on hiring family members to the school staff? If they are qualified and effective staff members, yes. Remember the last two superintendents also had family members on the staff. 7. Should a board member who has their driver’s license suspended because (sic) a DUI be asked to resign for being a negative role model for our students? “Whoever hasn’t sinned should throw the first stone” – Jesus Christ (Matthew 8:7). 8. Should a board member who (sic) suspected of theft and fired from his job be asked to resign for being a negative role model for our students? Same answer as #7. However you might be bordering on libel with this one. 9. Should the interview committee recommend the best qualified candidate for a job or the one with the best interview? A person can have qualifications that take pages and pages to list yet not be articulate, nor be a lifelong learner, nor be someone who can relate well to children. Interviews give insight into the character of a candidate as well as their ability to do the job. 10. Should the school be allowed to pay for teachers’ annual family ski passes and annual family swimming pool passes then deduct the cost from their pay? More information is needed. Did the teachers agree to this? Can they opt in or out if they want? What does the staff want? Might this attract good teachers to work in Center? This is an internal matter that should make no difference to the public as long as the funds are being reimbursed by the staff member to the district. The bottom line is that students and families in Center Schools must value education. Most do and realize their education is key to a brighter future. But there are still some who don’t. I believe that Center Schools is providing a far better education for our kids than it did 20, 10 or even five years ago. Claiming that our exceptional administration and staff here under Mr. Welsh’s leadership should be embarrassed about the results they are producing is ridiculous. Should Mr. Welsh resign, he will have no problem at all finding another job. Center Schools will have a much more difficult time finding a superintendent of his abilities and leadership. Sincerely, Janet Myers Kuntz Center A Viking forever
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:46:29 +0000

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