To Lora: THIS IS HOW THE LAWS OF ALBERTA ARE MADE AND ENFORCED: This leads up to the problems that we currently have, and is the reason we can do nothing about our dilemma: The PC Party, having been in power for 40 some years have structured the laws so that they alone can circumvent the laws. The way that is done is as follows. Both the lawyers and the political parties in power are like parasites that feed on the same host. They jointly know that they can only suck out so much blood out of the host or the host will die. So they co-operatively just keep sucking enough blood to allow the host to live; the host, which in this case is the ‘Citizens of Alberta’. Here is the critical path as it plays out in Alberta: Most major Law Offices in Alberta donate heavily to the PC Party just as do the pharmaceuticals, like the Katz group. The Political Party in turn appoints what is termed as the “Queens Council” or for short “QC” before certain lawyer’s names. That means that those lawyers represent the ruling Party in the courtrooms of Alberta. The pc Party then instructs the QC’s to designate certain lawyers to write and rewrite laws to benefit the party in power. These parasites are called “Actuarial Lawyers”. It is much like hiring a consultant who will put forward proposals that you want to sell to the public, but you know the recommendation must come from a third party if it will fly publicly. Subsequently, after the “LAW” recommendations are crafted in such a way that they can be effectively interpreted only by sophisticated Lawyers, to spin them to mean whatever interpretation is most beneficial to the party in power, they are then screened by the heads of the Law firms and further deliberately wordsmithed so that laymen cannot understand them. The next step then is to formally turn the actuarial presentation into “LAW”, so the proposed law is presented to the Legislature, where it is voted on, [works only when majority party’s are in power], and then it is run before the Justice System through the Court of Queens Bench to formalize what then comes to be known as “Public Law”. Interestingly, most Judges come from the big Law firms, who suggest to one of their own Lawyers that they should make an application to become a Judge. The big law firms then act co-operatively with the Government to appoint and approve each the crowning of their own lawyer as a Judge. Hence, the ensuing scenario, the big Law firms are well versed in choosing the exact times that their “special person judge” is on the bench to hear their cases. The times for hearings can then be manipulated by the law firms to make sure they go before the right judge to get the decision they want, and thus the “dance of the pecking order” takes place and the buddies in the law firms appear in front of their buddy on the Bench, and “Viola” they win their case. I found out all of the above when I blew the whistle as a CEO of the Enron Affiliate relative to their corruption I had to defend myself against that giant organization, who colluded with top Law firms to destroy me so I would never testify against them again. I was told point blank by a lawyer from a to Edmonton law firm that I could never win, not because I did not have a good case, but because of who they were and how they were connected to the government, the legal and justice system. I experienced that all over again when I ran as a opposition Candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party again in 2008, and was subsequently prevented from running again in the 2012 election, because the PC Party own the Justice Minister, and they also own Elections Alberta, by the very fact that the PC Party control who is placed into those position, and will fire any of those appointees if the do not support the corruption in the Majority Party, which the PC Party has been for decades. Simply put, as the saying goes, “You cannot win against city Hall. This posting does not come from “perception”; it comes from “reality.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:02:45 +0000

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