To Mr Johnny Chau – a “Johnny come lately”. To be taken - TopicsExpress


To Mr Johnny Chau – a “Johnny come lately”. To be taken lightly. Mr Johnny Chau said he wanted me to join his Party, called ‘The Party for poor’. Seems if you are not poor, then you are not welcome. Seems he only wants to help the poor, anyone else can get lost. What kind of a party is this? Pretending to help the poor to get power. When I replied that I don’t join anybody’s party, he threatened me by saying: “be careful”. When I asked, “what should I be careful about?” He did not answer. He then changed the subject to say that I should not join “American or EU” – whatever this means. I did not tell him that I will join the West or ask for help. I don’t want the West or anyone else (i.e. those looking only after their own interests) involved in Cambodian affairs, because they are all bad news for Cambodia. With my party and platform, I don’t intend to. If I do, it will be on my term, not theirs. I want Cambodia to have a party that sweeps clean, that will be “Cambodia for Cambodians” – an no one else. Out Chinese, Yuan, Thais, Koreans, Americans, EU, out, you bloody lot of thieves! Not to mention that King Thief, that PORK MASTER, Hun Pork and his fat cats, now joined by CNRP lapping up the money. YES – A FREE CAMBODIA; a happy and prosperous party. Happy like my name. The way we were. I know the West too well, as an international citizen. But I am a Khmer first and foremost! So far this “Johnny come lately” did not answer any of my questions about his background or platform. Maybe he looks down on women? Maybe he only wants to help poor men? I asked if he is a Lon Nol supporter? – no answer. He was the one who requested me to be his friend on my face book page, but all he does now is to flood my page with his campaign propaganda. I told him my party will contain fresh blood, with people who are sick of the CNRP and CPP. People are feeling cheated and disenfranchised. I am giving them hope with this new movement for the coming revolution. Cambodia needs a Woman General now! Male leaders are too weak, fixated with money, booze, women, gambling and power. Women care more about the future of the country, their children, and the next generation to come. All women are the victims of men and politicians. Mr Johnny and Mr Daranh Kravanh are just pretend politicians from America, which country I brand in my book as “The Gods of Genocide”. Haven’t we got one frog (Sam Rainpork) already from France? Look at them - cheaters and people users. We don’t want any more politicians (big yappers, woof woof, lots of noise like empty tins) from the land of American Bombers and garlic-eating Frogs - maybe they eat all that garlic to keep away the vampires? Idea – Khmers should start eating garlic to keep away the Hun Sen vampires! We want someone like me who is the real Khmer patriot. Who is fresh and a woman, and who will stop a nothing in the quest for freedom and democracy. Repeat: who will stop at nothing! I don’t need power or money – I already have them. More details of my platform are coming. My coming election manifesto will be released soon. My party will be a party of women for women! Only women can make a difference!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:36:27 +0000

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