To My Beloved Christian Friends and Family, please Listen to me - TopicsExpress


To My Beloved Christian Friends and Family, please Listen to me for a minute, STOP AND THINK. Who Are YOU? Most Christians would say, I am a Gentile Christian Save by Grace. If I am permitted to ask who are the Gentiles? I know the answer you will give would be anyone who is not a JEW. That is TOTAL Foolishness, WHY? Because you are No Different from a Parrot, you are repeating words that you have no knowledge of. If I should ask you, Do you Belive in your bible? Your answer would be, YES, I do. Firstly there is no ancient people called JEW /S. To be truthful there is really no people Called / Call Gentiles in the trues sense either. The Word GENTILE /S Mean Nation /s. It was a word used to speak of those people that did not interact with the Children of Israel. They (Gentiles) were the people of Noahs Son Japheth. Today we can recognize the said people to be those classified as Europeans. While the other two sons Ham and Shem lived together in a measure of harmony, although they had many wars to determine who would be the dominant rulers. Since you are a believer in THE BIBLE, Maybe you would only believe what I am saying if you would read it there for yourself, so please go to Genesis 10 and check out all the lands named in the chapter. Verses 1-5 gives us the names of those considered as The GENTILES and among those you would find The Name Ashkenazi, Ashkenazi are the same people who today call themselves Ashkenazi Jews. They are the descendants of Gomer who is today Call RUSSIA. From verse 6 -20 we find the names and places of Hams Descendants and every theologian and historian would agree that these people settled in what we today call AFRICA. It should be noted that the fourth son of Ham and his descendants were given the land that was named after him, that is the land of Canaan. Nonetheless this land was and is in AFRICA. From verses 21-30 tell of the settlement of the son and his descendants whose name was Shem. If we would also consider these location we would find that these lands were also in AFRICA. It should be noted that the term JEWS today is a term that is used to indicate who are the people who descended from ABRAHAM, only we have found that the JEWS are really a people from Japheth who are lying to the world and falsely claiming to be children of Abraham who was a Shemitic Person from the seed of Shem. Speaking of Abraham, it should be noteworthy to understand that he was from the land of CUSH a term that relates to one being BLACK and of Burned Faces. As was mentioned before Ham had four sons and they settled in the Land the world today call AFRICA and that includes the son whose name was Canaan. The Most High took a portion of the said land and gave it to Abraham and Promised that it would be for his (Abraham) last son Isaac and his son Jacob and Jacobs descendants for ever (OLAM). It should be noted that the land was taken from the children of Canaan and given to Jacob heir forever (whether they are in the land or scattered, it belong to them and no one can change that statute) but the Land is yet in AFRICA. It is like the USA, they have their most high security prison in the land of CUBA, but CUBA is not in the USA. Therefore, it is stupid for us to think because the land was given to Abraham it was no longer in Africa but now moved to the Middle East, that is FOOLISHNESS and Foolish thinking, it is brainwashing. I know many people dont like to read long so I will make just one point more to help us understand who we are. We already understand that the foolishness sold to us that we as Black as tar but yet call Gentiles. Consider this, Joseph, the son of Jacob, who was living in the land of Canaan was sold by his brothers and was latter resold to Egyptians. He went through a rough time there as he ended up being imprison for a crime he did not commit but was a road that would lead him to become the Governor of Egypt second only to The Pharaoh. After spending several years in Egypt there came a farming that severely affected parts of Africa and as a result, Jacobs household was in trouble if they could not obtain food but they came to the knowledge that Egypt had placed a preparation plan into effect and food was stored up there. Under the instruction of the Family Head (Jacob) The brothers of Joseph came into Egypt to purchase food and so Joseph recognized them as his brothers but they did not, for they took him for an Egyptian. It is a FACT That Ancient Egyptian Were Africans and were BLACK PEOPLE. Therefore what was the complexion of Joseph and that of His Fathers Lineage? Lastly,Think of Moses standing before the Burning Bush and Commanded by The Most High to place his hand into his clothing and when it was taken out it was White but upon replacing it a second time it became its normal pigmentation. Now ask yourself the question, could Moses have been of a white complexion to have this miracle took place? I wrote this because a Christian Sister from my home town, invited me into her home as to help me get my twisted mind that have strayed from Christianity back on the path. But when she was told that the s-called Negroes as we are called are the true Hebrew Israelites and the people of The Bible, The Children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, she became so upset to the point that she wanted me to leave because that was such a sin, that I would classify The Black people of Africa as being the TRUE HEIR Of ABRAHAM. I shall not make mention of her name, neither would I tag her in this note, nor is she on my account. Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham / not the Negroes By faithinyhvh Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary: Ham – The youngest son of Noah, born probably about 96 years before the Flood; and one of eight persons to live through the Flood. He became the progenitor of the dark races; not the Negroes, but the Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites. Just to inform you that the Indians were also under the rule of Africa and were part of these people as is indicated in the Book of Esther. Please Note, I am not here dealing with the Kingdom Of The Most High That Will Be Soon Establish on THIS EARTH (Not In Heaven or anywhere else) but I am dealing with who we are as BLACK People. You have a place as Chosen Rulers of The Kingdom. I must Also State to You Israel (Heirs of Jacob) Were NOT THE ONLY People Who Knew and Worship The EL Of Abraham. ALL THREE SONS Of Noah Were Saved By The Mighty Hand of YAH and taught Their Children To Know YAH but Not ALL Did, Infact The Majority of ALL People Rejected and Will Reject The Most High YAH. https://youtube/watch?v=hnOvwW_yvnw.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:42:52 +0000

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