To My Big Fat Fuzzy Son: Mummys so sorry youre gone. I miss you - TopicsExpress


To My Big Fat Fuzzy Son: Mummys so sorry youre gone. I miss you horribly. I know the last year was rough, and that Laura and Tomas were taking care of you until I could get back to you and bring you home with me, and I cant help but think.... You were 4 when you died. I remember finding a rail-thin kitten yowling outside my bedroom window in the middle of a storm. I ran outside to see what was wrong, and you launched yourself at me. I brought you back inside and went right for some kitten food and an extra litter box, which I kept in the hall of our duplex. I was going to take you to animal control, but while I was watching you in the hall, I thought about keeping you....then you climbed into my lap after eating your fill and drinking the milk Id put out for you. Youd went right to the litter box, did your business, then came over to me, your itty bitty tail twitching happily as you climbed up my nightgown and into my lap. You fell asleep on me then, purring such a monster-sized purr that my sister came down from upstairs cause she heard you. I told her what happened, and she told me that youd chosen me to be yours. I took you everywhere with me. I made sure that we always had a place to live, food for you to eat, and fresh water for you to drink. There was plenty of catnip for you, and I think you were a bit addicted...given what Laura told me about the catnip bubbles. The last year was the roughest. I had to leave you with Laura and Tomas until I could figure a gentler way to get you from Ohio up to Connecticut...which was at LEAST a 12-hr drive, and I didnt want you stuck in a carrier the whole trip. I know how much you hated them. Steve, Laura, and Tomas took great care of you, and I know they loved you as much as I did. Its okay now. I know youre waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge, along with Baby, Lucy, and the rest of the animals Ive held in my heart. I didnt want to leave you. I was going to come back for you. I promised you that, and I meant it. Murphy was looking forward to having another cat to play with. I will come see you soon. Laura buried you behind the church, right near the garden. I love you, my boy....and dear gods, do I miss you. ~me
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 16:46:26 +0000

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