To Serve and Protect Themselves On the eve of August 7, 2014, - TopicsExpress


To Serve and Protect Themselves On the eve of August 7, 2014, my uncle – Cesar P. Degay, 35 years of age – was killed by a policeman. He was killed together with a bar security guard. The autopsy report states that my uncle sustained three gunshot wounds in the body (one of those shots pierced the heart) and another in the back of the head (a bullet slug was left in my uncle’s jaw) – a total of four (4) gunshot wounds. The guard sustained two gunshot wounds in the body. My uncle was dead on arrival at the Benguet General Hospital while the guard was eventually declared dead in the operating room of the same hospital. Ballistic reports show that the gun used is a standard PNP-issued police 9mm glock pistol. On that fateful night, my uncle who was perfectly sober, unarmed, and very much known to the three off-duty police companions of the suspect-policeman, was preparing to leave the bar where he works when suddenly an altercation started. He is seen in the CCTV footage as taking a quick smoke in front of a store located at the first floor. The bar where he works is located at the second floor. According to witness testimonies, the suspect-policeman who was about to leave the bar started pointing his gun and threatened to kill a lady minor. The lady minor’s friends, upon hearing the pleas of help, went to help prevent any untoward incident which lead to a minor brawl. My uncle and the guard went to try and pacify the altercation. As seen in the CCTV video, my uncle even helped the suspect-policeman regain his composure. After successful keeping the lady minor’s companions from further hurting the suspect-policeman, my uncle was suddenly shot thrice in the back by the suspect-policeman. The suspect-policeman also shot the guard once, leaving him impaled on the pavement. My uncle tried to flee from the suspect-policeman even after being shot thrice towards the store at the first floor. But the suspect-policeman, who can be seen to have walked normally, pursued my uncle in the store and casually shot him in the head once. After shooting my uncle in the head, he went back and again casually shot the guard one more time. The suspect-policeman then kicked the guard in the head. The suspect-policeman calmly left the place leaving the bodies of his two victims. Based on the CCTV video, the three off-duty police companions of the suspect-policeman, after hearing the commotion, simply took their guns from the bar counter, passed by the bodies of the two victims and walked away from the vicinity of the incident. A copy of the CCTV was given to the police. Recent reports state that the police investigators remain uncertain of what happened. Based on witness testimonies, civilians went to pursue the suspect-policeman. After being caught by some concerned citizens, he was placed in an incoming police mobile patrol car. According to the affidavit of the supposed “arresting” police officer, there was some sort of negotiations for the suspect-policeman’s surrender but witness testimonies clearly stated that the suspect-policeman attempted to flee the scene and was courageously brought into the police mobile car by concerned citizens. Based on reports, the suspect-policeman was not handcuffed. The suspect-policeman was then sent to the local precinct and escorted to the second floor to get some rest. A top official of the municipality was even seen at the police station trying to pacify angry citizens who want to see the suspect-policeman in jail. According to people near the scene of the crime, this same top municipal official was heard to have loudly said “gunggunam!” (thats what you get!) during that night. During the entire incident, not one policeman helped the two victims. The bodies of the victims were brought to the hospital by concerned citizens and bar staff members. Currently, only the suspect-police was charged criminally. The three police companions of the suspect-policeman were reportedly have been relieved, recommended for demotion and reassignment. Latest reports suggest that the suspect-policeman is currently detained at the provincial jail. The municipality’s top police officer was also immediately relieved after the incident. Recent reports states that he was found free from any liability by the provincial chief of police. This top municipal cop was one of the first to wash his hands of any responsibility and immediately blamed the bar owners. Citizens observed that no policemen are assigned in the police outpost near the crime scene at night. Reports state that this top police officer is up for promotion and is even to be awarded with a very prestigious award. On the other hand, the provincial police officer, news reports say, warned the family of the victims to not seek violent revenge. A few days before the report was published, this provincial top cop visited the residence of my uncle and met my grandmother. This top cop brought with him around five police companions. My ailing grandmother together with my aunts courteously welcomed them in their residence. Accordingly, this top provincial cop discussed the very difficult process of the criminal and administrative cases filed against the suspect-policeman. The people who were present during that meeting even heard this top cop to have claimed to have seen the CCTV footages but have grossly misidentified the parties involved and seem unsure of the circumstances surrounding the case. Some people claim that this provincial top cop is up for promotion and should have also been relieved but was not. I am afraid. I have always respected the honest, hard-working members of the police force. However, I fear I can no longer trust them. As we seek justice for my uncle’s death, I pray for strength. The strength to accept that justice may not be fully served.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 03:33:35 +0000

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