To, The Honorable Chief Minister, West Bengal I am writing this - TopicsExpress


To, The Honorable Chief Minister, West Bengal I am writing this letter with great grief and disappointment. Instead of posting you a letter at your official mailing address I chose to write it in a social networking site mainly because of two reasons. Firstly I know that you are very active in Facebook so I guess this message will easily reach you and perhaps more effectively than a postal mail and secondly I want everyone to see the points I am making here in this letter. Before I proceed I want to make certain things very clear. I am a tax paying citizen, which means that not only I pay huge taxes on the income I generate but at the same time I also pay taxes on my car and house and it accumulates to a considerable amount as far as a single household is concerned. Apart from that, whenever I visit any club, restaurant, pubs, shopping malls, multiplexes I am forced to pay a significant amount of money as tax, which funds your Government and its operations. So, as a paying customer of the services I avail from you, I demand certain answers, which you or your associates are bound to answer as Public Servants. However, if you fail to answer these questions I will assume that you admit the fact that your Government is a Disgrace in the name of Democracy and you are no different than any Terrorist Organization like ISIS. Now, the questions are as follows: 1. Why are you still silent on the issues pertaining to the horrendous incident which happened in the Jadavpur University Campus on the evening of 17th September, 2014? 2. Why did your police take violent actions against peaceful protestors? Before becoming the chief minister, it is you who only repeatedly reminded us that To Protest is our Democratic right and so what went wrong that particular evening? 3. Why where there no Female Police officers seen in action on that very night? 4. Why are you trying to avoid the topic by indirectly tagging it is a petty issue? I want to remind you along with all the citizens of Bengal that it is we who are in charge and not you. We elected you, We Pay You and We Feed You! So please the next time you make such comments, do remember that you are just a Public Servant that means a Servant appointed by us to do the administrative works. You are not a Royalty like the Queen of England or Prince Harry! So, buckle-up and start working as we normally do not tolerate lazy, insincere, untrustworthy employees! If you had been working in any distantly professional organization with this kind of attitude, I am sure you would have shown the doors in a day or two. So, please consider my demands and answer asap. Regards.. A Tax Paying Citizen... Credits: #JU Pashe Achi Eto english Bujhben kina sondeho ache :p
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:42:51 +0000

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