To The Honourbale President Smt Sonia Gandhi. Congress - TopicsExpress


To The Honourbale President Smt Sonia Gandhi. Congress Party, Dear Madam, Result of Asssembly Election and Problem of Gaur Banjara Community Denotified Tribes for the inclusion of ST Reservation. • At the start, I would wish to convey to your kind notice that the Congress party has missed a valuable seat in Maharashtra and Haryana State. It is the gravest concern the party who was firm enough in the countryside has lost their confidence due to non availability of outstanding leadership. As such I have noticed in the recent election in Yavatmal District for which the congress has obtained only 32000 votes wherein the Shiv sena party has grabbed 49000 votes .As you are well aware that the population of Banjara in the yavatmal district is densely populated i.e 12.2% which is exceeded more than current value envisaged in old census. Today most of the de notified tribes are annoyed with the congress party due to lack of resources and support from them. If you drew out the population in the state you may realize that more than 30% population are belong to the tribal community, merely the seat is all captured by the higher caste, community because they have funding from the party whereas our community people has kept a side which is unjust and demeaning fully in the democratic state. Moreover, our people have been more reliable to the congress party since from the Smt Indira Gandhi Period but today the entire scenario has shifted and our people are supporting a great deal of hardships and not getting any equivalent position for which we have taken up the safari for the inclusion of Schedule tribe status. • . On the other hand it is also understood that the congress party is not applying the placement to our citizenry, despite our people are more dedicated for elevating the party publication in the greater height. • . But due to poor leadership associated with the state level president, congress party Mr. Manik Rao Thakre the party has overcome in recent election being the tail end was given to his own son who was not capable and have the strong personality compared with smooth Nandini parvekar. The strategy and planning of the Congress party were not maintained properly as a result, our people have not held up to our party. However, the BSP Party has acquired 34300 votes, which is a good signal for their party, only the veteran congress party has not even got second runner in this Yavatmal constitution. • . You are well the culture of the Roman gypsy is uniform in the entire world and our people are asking of the government for starting out the equivalent position in the schedule tribes category, but in spite of giving them reservation the Honorable Chief Minister has taken after the monopoly policy and allow the particular reservation to their residential district which is not appreciable at all. Cause you think so, this is natural justice in this democratic nation when our article of the constitution reads that the reservation is meant for particularly for socially and economically backward community in which tribes are the first priority to be debated, but alas the system has not followed in the appropriate manner resultantly the recent election result was displayed in the concealment which is disgraceful news to the congress party • .Now, the tribes community of the vidarbh region has decided to carry out the demarcation for the separation of the state. Accordingly the common citizen of vidarbh region has unanimously decided and form the separate party has namely Vasant Ambekar Rajya Samithi inorder to get the benevolent for our downtrodden society. Nevertheless the time is still there to bounce back again to the party for restructuring and to bring the confidence in our community and also the dalit –Christian party . In my earlier correspondence prior to the Loksabha election, I have requested to the honorary vice president of the congress party, but no cognizance was taken into consideration therefore the party has collapsed in the recent election and the BJP Party has confronted in leading the nation smoothly and fleetly. If you watch the hierarchy it is put out in the news MODI Waves but the realness is that our Dalit brethren, are not coming forward to hold the Congress party because they have lost the confidence on them • .It is also apparent that the technique adopted by the telaganna party in Andhra Pradesh is vital being they have yielded to our people for MLA Seat and won most of them seat which is for your kind perusal and necessary information . Also, I trust that you will follow the same experimentation and make a chance to our candidate in accordance to the approaching election in time to come. Then on behalf of us, Gaur Banjara Samaj has 12 crores population in all over India undersigned once again call for you to see after our difficulties and believe our request for demanding the ruling government to expedite our issues in top priority for which the supreme court has granted the decree to the central government for the thoughtfulness of SC/ST category in all over the state for the de -notified tribes With Deepest Regards, Ar.Pravin Naik Social Workers. Yavatmal-Ghatanzi
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 10:28:49 +0000

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