To, The Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay and - TopicsExpress


To, The Hon’ble Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay and His Companion Justices of The High Court of Bombay. Respected Chief Justice and Judges of the High Court of Bombay, 1. I am a journalist of 12 years standing. I worked with the well known magazine Tehelka for 4 years. During that period, I authored investigative reports on many important cases including those arising from the Gujarat riots of 2002, such as the Naroda Gaon, Naroda Patiya and Gulberg Society massacres and the Best Bakery carnage. My investigative reports have received acclaim, and have also been used by investigators and the courts of law. In 2007 after my investigative report on the Gujarat riots was published widely, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) ordered an enquiry into the revelations in my report containing approximately 60 hours of video footage . On the orders of the NHRC, the tapes were tested by FSL, Jaipur and were found completely authentic and tamper-free. Subsequent to the publication of my investigations (or ‘sting operation’, in common parlance) in October 2007, the Supreme Court constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to re-investigate many cases pertaining to the Godhra and post-Godhra riots. SIT cited me as a prosecution witness in three major riot cases. My testimony in this regard has been relied upon by the trial court in the Naroda Patiya case and several convictions were based on my evidence. I attach as ANNEXURE I , an excerpt of the judgment passed in the Naroda Patiya massacre case referring to my testimony. Meanwhile, I have testifed as a prosecution witness in the Naroda Gaon and Gulberg Society cases, the verdict in which is awaited. 2. After my ‘sting operation’ in the infamous Best Bakery case, the Supreme Court constituted a Quasi Judicial Committee headed by the then Registrar General, Supreme Court, which too found my investigative reports authentic and trustworthy. Many of the findings of the committee were based on my report alone. A copy of inquiry report submitted by the then Registrar General Mr. BM Gupta dated 27.05.2005 is Annexed hereto as ANNEXURE II. It was, inter-alia, my reportage on Hindutva terror groups that catalysed the investigation in the Malegaon blasts of 2006, the Samjhauta Express blasts, the Ajmer Sharif blasts and the Hyderabad Mecca Masjid blasts. As a result, the innocent persons hitherto arrested for these outrages were released on bail and the prosecution turned to those now believed to have been actually responsible for these terror attacks. 3. I am approaching your Hon’ble Court by this letter petition in public interest, for my recent investigative efforts as a journalist have led to a clear and compelling picture of the deliberate framing of Muslims, (–most of them very young and very poor–) in terror cases by the Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) of Maharashtra. The consequences should shock anyone with a conscience. In one case known as Pune German Bakery Blast Case, the drastic death sentence has even been pronounced by the trial court. The matter thus is of great moment and equally great urgency. 4. For more than a year I have been researching the investigation of terror cases by the ATS Maharashtra. Sporadic press reports have appearedabout conflicting versions given by different police agencies on the same cases. This aroused my interest and I set about carefully and slowly unearthing material on the matter. My research has shown that at least in three cases prosecuted by ATS Maharashtra, namely the July 11 2006 Mumbai local train blasts, the 2006 Malegaon Blasts and the Pune German Bakery case of February 2010, the ATS has deliberately created bogus evidence, extracted false confessions by the most inhuman torture, planted explosives in the houses of the accused and thus implicated innocent Muslim youth. 5. I have, what would certainly be compelling if not foolproof evidence of the deliberate faking of confessions to frame absolutely unconnected persons, as well, as the most inhuman torture of innocent Muslims in police custody and fudging of records to corrupt the course of justice. Faking of recoveries is a near obvious inference that would follow in these circumstances. 6. The state of corruption goes beyond, what may usually be termed as ‘padding’ a case and in fact shows a deep bias against Muslims in particular, besides absolute contempt for law, justice and truth. The result is a serious breach of the right to life and liberty, the equality before law and our basic constitutional values. The result is also a serious security risk, for this nature of targeting is bound to cause wide-spread disbelief in mechanisms of justice and exponentially add to a feeling of alienation amongst a sizeable section of the citizenry. Every time an innocent personis framed in a terror case, the real culprits do not just get away but also get emboldened. Therefore, what I am placing before you is not just aberrations in investigations or minor breaches, but a whole stylised operation with active prejudice, that will only serve to increase the terror threat that this nation faces and endanger our internal security. My investigation shows that these extra-constitutional operations were connived at by the highest levels of the Maharashtra police. 7. This letter petition is therefore drawing the attention of the highest court in the State, to the facts, so that the wide ranging deleterious effects of this wanton abuse of power can be checked and appropriate corrective action taken. 8. I am aware that normally, investigation of crime is the task of the police and verdicts of guilt or innocence, the realm of courts. What makes me intervene in this process is the fact that the same has become the reverse of what it is intended to be. When the police deliberately obstructs justice and misleads courts of law, it cannot be left unchecked, and it is my duty as a citizen and a journalist to invite the attention of the highest custodians of justice to the facts that I have unearthed, particularly when the consequences to our national security are so dire. 9. The material I seek to place before this Hon’ble Court, is for the sake of convenience put under the following heads:July 7 Train Bombings; Malegaon blasts 2006, Pune German Bakery blasts. There are appropriate sub-headings too. 10. JULY 7 TRAIN BOMBINGS (Case no. MCOCA Special Case No.21/2006) 10.1 BACKGROUND On July 11, 2006, Mumbai was rocked by blasts in local trains. The police found no leads and there was great public anger.. In time the ATS claimed to have solved the crime. The ATS .cracked down on some former activists of the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and forced the accused to sign on pre-drafted confessions, about which more will be stated presently. A charge-sheet was filed against 13 arrested accused, and 15 absconding accused on December 1, 2006. Since then the trial is going on as MCOCA Special Case No.21/2006 in the court of the Special Judge Y.D.Shinde.under the provisions of MCOCA. 10.2 Evidence Led and Courts Mislead The evidence lead in the charge-sheet is/was of three kinds a) 11 MCOCA confessions made to police officers; b) recoveries of explosives and detonators from some of the accused and;c) so-called public witnesses ( well known stool pigeons or those under the thumb of the police) who claimed the unlikely feat of recognising the faces of some of the accused, getting in and out from the crowded local trains though they were strangers to them. However, against most of the accused, the case is based on confessions and recoveries. 10.2.1. Confessions to same crime by an unrelated set of persons:caught for the subsequent 2007-2008 Blasts: Concealment and twisting by ATS of Police Reports and Confessions that prove ATS framed innocent men. 10.2.2. Which of them is true and which Court has been mislead? 10.2.3. The 2007-2008 Blasts across India and revelations in its wake. 10.2.4. In July and September 2008, there were serial blasts in Delhi, Ahmedabad and Surat (aborted blasts). Following some leads in these blasts, the Mumbai Crime Branch arrested one Sadiq Sheikh along with 20 other accused from Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra. 10.2.5. The Mumbai Crime Branch claims to have recorded confessions of many of the arrested persons including Sadiq Shaikh, as this was also a MCOCA investigation. 10.2.6. This was a crucial juncture in terror investigations in India. In a span of a little over one year between August 2007 and September 2008, there were terror bombings in Bangalore (seven serial blasts of July 2008), Hyderabad (Lumbini Park and Gokul Chaat Blasts of August 2007), UP (Triple blasts at Court premises in Lucknow, Varanasi and Faizabad, November 2007), Jaipur (serial blasts of May 2008), Ahmedabad (21 serial blasts in July 2008) and Surat (Aborted attempt as eighteen Bombs malfunctioned) and Delhi (Five syncronized bomb blasts in market places of Delhi in September, 2008). The series of bombings across India indicated a single, integral conspiracy and consequnetly brought several investigating agencies of different states together and pooling of information. 10.2.7. Thus, the confessions of Sadiq Sheikh and others as recorded by the Mumbai Crime Branch, are significant, because they clearly are to the effect that even the July Mumbai local train bombings of 2006 were done by this set of people newly arrested and without any reference or link to those prosecuted by the ATS from 2006 onwards! 10.2.8. In other words the set of men arrested following the 2007 and 2008 set of bombings across the country were interrogated by Ahmedabad, Delhi, UP, Karnataka and other police teams and were subsequently made common accused in all these 2007-2008 blasts. 10.2.9. Sadiq Sheikh and his alleged ‘Indian Mujahideen’ accomplices were interrogated by different police agencies on different dates. Each agency prepared detailed Interrogation Reports (IRs). Common to all is the view or conclusion that it is this set of men that were behind even the July 2006 Mumbai local train bombings. 10.2.10. My sources in Mumbai police and state police agencies of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka who were involved in investigating ‘Indian Mujahideen’ and its alleged involvement in the 2007 and 2008 blasts provided me the Interrogation Reports of Sadiq Sheikh and others prepared by each of these agencies (All these interrogation reports are annexed as Annexure III). These Interrogation Reports show the dates on which they were prepared and the computers on which they were prepared. 10.2.11. All these Interrogation Reports (IRs) based on ‘confessions’ of Sadiq Shaikh indicate a massive and integral conspiracy. These IRs contain a meticulously detailed description of more than eight terror strikes that Sadiq Sheikh and his accomplices had allegedly plotted and executed since 2003. These are: 1. Dashavmeghghat, Varanasi, 2004 (the bomb packed in a container had failed to explode. The local police dismissed it as an accident. But Sadiq told the police that it was actually a terror plot) 2. Shramjeevi Express Blast ,Jaunpur, UP., 2005 3. Diwali Blasts, Delhi, 2005 4. Varanasi Blasts, 2006 5. Mumbai Train Blasts, 2006 6. Hyderabad Twin Blasts, 2007 7. Ahmedabad Blasts and 8. the failed Surat Blasts. 10.2.12 The agencies have themselves claimed (both in court and in public) that Sadiq’s interrogation led to the arrest of over 70 terror suspects by UP ATS, Hyderabad CIC, Ahmedabad Crime Branch, Rajasthan ATS and Delhi Special Cell. The content of these reports, and ‘confessions’ etc is part of the charge-sheetsfiled by different agencies. But curiously Sadiq and his accomplices were charge-sheeted in only those blast cases in which the investigation was still not completed. Hyderabad Blasts (Gokul Chat and Lumbini Park) of 2007, Ahmedabad and Surat (aborted) Blasts of 2008, Delhi Blasts of 2008 were some of the cases in which the alleged Indian Mujahideen members including Sadiq Shaikh were charges-sheeted. But those revelations that related to the 7/11 Mumbai Train Blasts were conveniently brushed under the carpet. Allthese agencies were equally aware that an entirely different set of persons had been put on trial for the 7/11 blasts by ATS Maharashtra, which set of accused could only be inncocent, if the later 2008 Interrogation reports were true. Thus at least after 2008 September ,all the said agencies including ATS Maharashtra were privy to the nature of evidence and revelations pertaining to the July 11 2006 Train Bombings and they heavily relied on these revelations in the investigations pertaining to the 2007-2008 bombings. But those revelations that talked about the blasts carried out before 2007 were ignored because those cases had already been claimed to have been solved. This policy of pick and choose raises a serious question mark about the integrity of terror investigations and the conduct of the agencies. The lack of bonafides is further evident from the fact that no attempt was made to arrive at the truth or exonerate one set of obviously innocent persons. None of these agencies placed the entire relevant material before the MCOCA court trying an entirely unconnected set of 13 men for 7/11 Blasts. Why? My intent is not pass a verdict of guilt against certain accused. But it is to only highlight the blatant discrepancies and contradictions in terror investigations. 11. HOW WAS MUMBAI COURT TRYING JULY BOMBINGS MISLEAD 11.1. In fact what followed was a sinister conspiracy by Maharashtra ATS to mislead the courts. On 26 November 2008 Hemant Karkare died. Karkare had earlier been seen at public press briefs to declare that the new set of persons including Sadiq Shaikh (all allegedly part of Indian Mujahideen) arrested in 2008 were responsible for July 2006 bombings, for which a different set of persons had been in custody for two years already. 11.2. Shri KP Raghuvanshi (IPS), who was in charge of the ATS when 13 Muslims were arrested for the July bombings, resumed charge of ATS Maharashtra after Shri Hemant Karkare’s death. 11.3. Under Raghuvanshi’s leadership, ATS Maharashtra now set about ensuring that no one should catch on– to the entirely different truth now emerging. This was done by first taking an ATS police remand of Sadiq Shaikh to probe his role in the July 2006 bombings. Then, in order to avoid having to admit that 13 men were most unjustly arrested and charged, an ingenious method was adopted. The ATS came out with the tale that Sadiq’s ‘confession’ related to 7/11 bombings was only meant to mislead the agencies and that portion of his confession where revelations pertaining to 7/11 figureare false! The ATS then sought his discharge in respect of the July bombings!. 12. INHUMAN TORTURE AND FAKED CONFESSIONS 12.1. In view of the fact that the original 13 accused who were clearly falsely implicated have continued to be on trial. To persist with a farcial prosecution even in the face of contrary and conflicting evidence demonstrates a complete disregard for human life and liberty. I personally interviewed nine out of the 13 accused. All 13 have been in custody for the last seven years. A good part of their life has been spent behind the bars. Their families, on the other hand, have been forced to live a life of extreme hardships and in some cases abject poverty. 12.2. The ATS conducted on them the most inhuman torture to extract confessions to acts that recordsindicate as almost certainly done by someone else. I have video recordings of the prisoners conducted in the corridors of the courts, and I annex the video recordings and transcripts of the interviews conducted with the 7/11 accused as ANNEXURE IV. The same will speak for themselves. Water boarding (a notorious technique used by the CIA on Guantanamo Bay Detainees), adminsitration of chemicals through anus and veins, stretching of legs to 180 degree, giving electric shock to private parts and threats to rape female family members were some of the methods of torture used by the ATS to extract false confessions from these 13 Muslims. Interviews of nine out of thirteen prisoners will bear out the obvious truth of what these men say they were subjected too, and subjected to for no reason at all. The torture continued for 3-4 months including the period of illegal detention and the separate police remand for each incident of blast although eventually all 7 were clubbed into one charge-sheet. ATS Kala Chowki was the torture chamber. Senior IPS officers like the then Mumbai Police Commissioner A N Roy, ATS Chief KP Raguvanshi and ATS DCP Nawal Bajaj, were also involved in tortouring the detainees. 12.3. The interviews and the transcripts will speak for themselves. The prisoners all say, that the torture was with a view to getting them sign on pre-recorded confessions, and even to pressurize some to turn approver. 12.4. Interestingly those portions of Sadiq’s revelations which were not in conflict with earlier bogus investigations like that of 7/11 were ratified, confirmed and further bolstered by collecting various primary and secondary aevidence by the agencies like Ahmedabad ATS and Mumbai Crime Branch. 12.5. The doctrine of severability, harmonious construction and other principles seem to have been pressed in respect of ‘confessions’ by the Maharashra ATS. Shockingly, the Mumbai Crime Branch is still touting Sadiq’s orginal confessions in other courts, which the ATS had declared‘misleading.’ Thus each court is being regaled with a different confession and different version on identical cases, and those getting the short end of the stick are some of the most hapless and voiceless Muslims, who have no means of securing the documents and witnesses “secreted’ with other agencies. But the theory of profeing different stories for different courts is not restricted to the 7/11 case alone. 13. MALEGAON BLASTS 2006 13.1. FRAMING AS A MATTER OF HABIT FOR ATS MAHARASHTRA. The Maharashra ATS under KP Raghuvanshi had also arrested several other Muslims in respect of the Malegaon blasts of 2006, which now the National Investigation Agency (NIA) claims were the handiwork of a completely different set of people, that is the Hindutva extremists. But the ATS in 2006 under Raghuvanshi arrested nine Muslims for the bombings that were carried outside a Muslim place of worship with an intent to kill only Muslims. ATS tin fact showed that two accused were common in the Malegaon and 7/11 bomings. As per the ATS case, these two accused—Shaikh Mohd Ali and Asif Khan—had supplied explosives for both the 7/11 and Malegaon 2006 bombings. Like in the case of 7/11, ATS showed bogus material recoveries in the Malegaon case as well. But now the confessions recorded by the NIA show that the bombings were carried out by some Hindus and the planning, sourcing of explosives, etc was all the handiwork of these few Hindus who have now been arrested by the NIA. The recovery done by the ATS in the Malegaon case was thus bogus. If Mohd Ali and Asif Khan had not supplied explosives for the Malegaon Blasts, then their alleged role in the 7/11 case also gets disproved. It also shows that the ATS was in the habit of planting explosives and framing innocent Muslims just to show the outside world that the case had been cracked. But since the 7/11 and Malegaon are two separate cases and being tried in two different courts, the conflicting evidence that has now surfaced in 2006 Malegaon Blast case has not been brought before the court trying the 7/11 case. The question that needs to be asked is that can there be two versions of the same truth for two different courts? 13.2. My sources in the National Investigating Agnecy have provided me the confessions of the alleged Hindutava terrorists who have confessed to be behind the 2006 Malegaon Bombings. As per these confessions the terror plot was hatched and executed by certain Hindu radicals. The explosives were sourced and bombs were manufactured by a group of RSS pracharaks with absolutely no connections whatsoever with those nine Muslims who were charges for Malegaon bombings by the ATS. The same IRs provided by my sources are annexed hereto as ANNEXURE V 13.3. My investigation shows that the ATS offered money and women to the 7/11 accused to turn approvers. Though they couldn’t succeed in turning any of the 7/11 accused as approver, the ATS managed to turn an accused as ‘approver’ in the Malegaon 2006 case. With the NIA investigation now suggesting the Malegaon 2006 bombings to be the handiwork of a few Hindutava radicals, the ATS methods of coercing innocent Muslims into turning approvers gets exposed. 13.4. The ATS had also shown the source of explosives common in 7/11 and Malegaon 2006 case. The NIA investigation, if true, disproves not just the Malegaon 2006 investigation of the ATS but also the 2006 tran blasts investigation as well. 14. PUNE GERMAN BAKERY CASE 14.1 Background On February 13, 2010, a powerful bomb tore apart the famous German bakery situated atthe posh colony of Koregaon Park in Pune. Seventeen persons were killed and 58 suffered severeto minor injuries. The Maharashtra ATS seized the CCTV footage from inside the bakeryand claimed that they had identified the bomber. In June 2010 the Mumbai ATS arrested one Abdul Samad, a young Muslim and a resident of Bhatkal town in Karnataka, ostensibly for the Pune Blast. But the ATS theory collapsed when Samad’s parents held a press conference and released videos and pictures of Samad attending a wedding in his home town in Bhatkal on the day of the blast. Faced with incontrovertible evidence of Samad’s innocence, the ATS did a sudden U-turn and now said that the bomber was Samad’s brother Ahmed Siddibapa also known as Yasin Bhatkal among the agencies. Samad was instead shown arrested in a bogus Arms Act case and was soon released on bail. 14.2 ARREST OF HIMAYAT BAIG In September 2010 the ATS arrested a resident of non-descript town named Udgir in Beed District of Maharashtra named Himayat Baig and claimed that it was he who along with Siddibapa had carried out the German bakery bombing. The ATS also claimed that he confessed to his involvement and also led the police to the recovery of explosives. At the time of his arrest Baig was running a small cyber café in Udgir. 14.3 In December 2010 Baig was chargesheeted. His charges read that Yasin Bhatkal prepared the bomb at Baig’s cyber café. ATS claimed that Baig and Yasin transported the bomb during the early hours of 13 February from Udgir to Pune by covering a distance of over 300 kilometers. As per the ATS theory, they left Udgir at around 5 am to reach the city of Latur at 6 am and from there they came to Pune by a private luxury bus. They reached Pune at around 2 pm and the two remained together during the day, claimed the ATS. The ATS further claimed that the two planted the bomb at around 17:00 hours at German Bakery and the same exploded at around 18:50. 14.4 ARRREST OF QATIL SIDDIQUE In November 2011, almost an year after Baig was arrested, the Delhi Special Cell arrested a 28 year old resident of Darbhanga district in Bihar named Qateel Siddiqui. Delhi Police claimed that Siddiqui was involved in several terror strikes including the Bangalore Chinnaswamy Stadium Blasts of 2010 and the Pune German Bakery. Both Bangalore and Delhi Police carried out a sustained interrogation of Siddiqui. The consistent and continued case of the Delhi and Bangalore charge-sheets regarding Qateel is that he was behind the German Bakery.My sources in the agencies have provided me the original Interrogation Reports prepared by both Delhi and Bangalore Police, upon which the charge-sheets are based. Thus the open position is that Qateel is the guilty party, and with no link to Himayat. Then how is it that for the Pune trial Court alone, Himayat is the guilty party, not Qateel? So much so that Himayat has been handed down a death sentence, with no evidence of his presence even in the CCTV footage? 14.5 I am placing the Interrogation Reports reports of Qateel Siddiqui as ANNEXUREVI. These reports were kept away from the Pune Court that tried and convicted Himayat Baig. As per both these IRs, it were Qateel and Yasin who had come together to plant a bomb at two different places in Pune. While Qateel was supposed to plant the bomb at a temple named Dagduseth Halwai Ganesh Temple, Yasin took it upon himself to plant a bomb at the German Bakery. Also, as per these IRs, Yasin and Qateel were together until 2:30 PM on February 13 in a room they had rented in Pune. But the ATS theory is that Yasin was with Himayat Baig through out the day on the 13th. Also Delhi and Bangalore Police reports had Qateel and Yasin as the lone figures in the plot of Pune German Bakery with no reference to Himayat Baig whatsoever. Once again, we have different courts being given different stories regarding the same incident. The helpless accused or their agents might never know of these conflicting versions and can seldom access the information. Justice is the uniform casualty. 14.6 ATTEMPT TO WHITEWASH THE CONTRADICTION BY THE ATS To harmonise these blatant contradictions the ATS sent an officer named Dinesh Kadam to interrogate Qatil. Now Kadam after interrogating Qateel prepared his own report. In his report Kadam made one crucial change from the reports of the Delhi and Bangalore Police. To bring Qateel’s revelations in consonance with ATS case, Kadam claimed that the bomb that Yasin gave to Qatil was not given on the 13th but on the 11th. This was done to justify Yasin Bhatkal’s presence with Baig on the 13th as the ATS had already chargesheeted Baig on the basis of this theory. On all other counts, the Mahrahstra ATS accepted and confirmed Qatil’s revelations made before the Delhi and Bangalore Police. Kadam also accepted the claim of the Bangalore and Delhi police that Qatil eventually could not plant the bomb at Ganesh Temple and instead dismantled it and threw it away into the sea in Mumbai. But to retrspectively harmonise their old investigation with Qatil’s revelations, Kadam twisted those portions of Qatil’s confession in which he spoke about his continued presence with Yasin on February 13. February 13 was pre-dated to February 11 by Inspector Kadam, as the ATS had already spun a story around baig and Yasin for February 13 and the same theory had already been preseneted before a Pune Court in the form of a chargesheet. 14.7 Kadam went back to Pune and filed a fresh complaint against Qateel in a Pune Court and charged him for attempting to bomb Ganesh temple. The complaint filed by Kadam is exhibited at Annexure VII. 14.8 The ATS now took police custody of Qateel in this new case on 2.05.2012 and took him to Maharashtra. On 28.05.2012 a Pune court sent him to judicial custody and Qateel was lodged in a High Security Cell at Yervada Jail in Pune. 14.9 On 8.06.2012 Qateel was mysteriously murdered in High Security Section of the Yerwada jail. On the same day Qateel was supposed to be brought back to Delhi to be produced before a Delhi Court in connection with a separate case registered against him by the Delhi Special Cell. The Maharashtra Police claimed that two fellow inmates killed Qatil over some angry exchange of words. According to police he was strangulated with a Bermuda pant cord. But the same couldn’t be recovered because it was claimed to have been burnt by the accused. 15. POINTS FOR COURT TO CONSIDER 15.1 How can a separate nuance be obtained only by the ATS Maharasthra in that is crucially missing from the confessions and Interrogation Reports regarding the same persons by the other police agencies. 15.2 How is it that the nuanced changes in Sadiq and Company’s confessions and Qateel’s reports done by the ATS Maharasthra are suited only and wholly to preserving the arrests already made, though every thing else points to the opposite direction. 15.3 Despite it becoming evident on record that the Malegaon blasts were done by Hindutva groups, the Maharashtra ATS took no steps to move for the exoneration of the original accused. Is this not indication of their lack of bonafides? 15.4 In a case done by Hindutva terrorists, the Mahrashtra ATS claimed to have recovered explosives from Muslims. And went so far as to set up an approver against those Muslims. What does it tell us about the ATS? In light of this, can the ATS be left with the responsibility of terror investigations? Their tweaking the record (of Sadiq Sheikh’s confession) to maintain the prosecution against 13 men in the July 2006 local train bombings and tweaking Qateel’s statement in Pune German Bakery, to maintain the non-existent case against Himayat now under sentence of death will need to be subjected to independent scrutiny. 15.5 How does Qateel conveniently die inside a High Security Prison, and how do two inmates confess to his murder, without leaving behind any evidence . How does the facile explanation that the rope by which he was strangulated was flushed away, pass without question? 15.6 The system of checks and balances has completely collapsed and at every level of institutional checks—the doctors, the magistrates and others—every level connived at the 7/11 investigation farce. The misuse of draconian laws like MCOCA in 7/11 case actually shows that the essence of these laws and their drastic provisions allowing self incrimination, is its vesting of unfettered and dangeorusly oppressive powers in the hands of the police. The entire thing is also an eye opener to the fact that this corrupt and hypocritical legislative solution is in fact proving to be inimical to national security. First by targeting innconets and then forcing confessions to avoid serious investigation and thus alinetaing the community further. Second, by allowing the actual culprits to thus escape. 15.7 These are three investigations that I have researched. There is no knowing how many other cases have similar features, and given the carte blanche we have tended to give our anti-terror outfits, that function wil absolute power under absolute secrecy, in all probablility the story of perverting the criminal justice system goes beyond just these three cases. These are issues of grave public importance that go beyond mere legality. It’s not just the security of our nation but also the very idea of Indian democracy that is under threat and si I have straightaway chosen to put this material across to every institution concerned with upholding human rights, constitutional values and accountability. Thus I approach this Court by way of public interest and in view of the immense issues involved, have also, apprised other stautory authorites concerned with human rights, minorities protection, police training institutions and media bodies and I have also arranged for the matter to enter the public domain as it is an issue of grave public importance, which in a democracy, the people are entitled to know. 15.8 I am doing this at the earliest opportunity. I may be given the permission to cast this petition in a more formal mode if required. However, I request this Hon’ble Court to treat this as a letter petition in the mean time. PRAYERS I request this Hon’ble Court to: i. Order an independent commission of inquiry into the conduct of the investigating officers, in the investigation of crucial cases such as have been referred to in these petition; ii. Direct appropriate action against the police officers found responsible for their flagrant violation of constitutional values iii. Direct consequential relief to the victims of such operation. Yours truly, Ashish Khetan khetan@gulail
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:07:23 +0000

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