To The United Nations - about natural realm and mapping and - TopicsExpress


To The United Nations - about natural realm and mapping and religion as a leadership Religion binds actual existence and undefines it by testamntal valuses, to a Utopia that is unclear for it´s rightful creator; words and papyrus. The Patterns fo faith are though of paper, cultural norms that have been much upheld by the social foundations; the Kings have ruled with an existence of information from the past, but that information has been improperly used, by a pattern of system of knows-all - as when the actual leadership is seldom mentioned by actual words. Any leadership is without integrity of living actual self-existence, by the properties of language, as when religions are not known for their baise of existence, whilst the words that so often are mentioned as rightous, they are anyhow only parables (that are of human magic), whilst the scemantics are redefying an anctient culture, for what it was, before paper (papyrus) was invented. Peopel who pray - they have been adapted to a self-egocentric value system that has words to eat - humans eat animals, as ewhen Jesus is with the Holy Spirit (the dove) that landed upn him - it is that what sacrificial rites show as the option to living against legions. Citizens have seldom been educated about the actual phraces, concerning the simple facts of language of faith - religion: legion - any words of within the books that were contemplated for a future knowledge - their inner structure include an never ending Earth - with limitless sources of natural existence, as when animals and nature was mentioend by Genesis 1:28 to be subdued, by a Roman Empire Propaganda, as when words were related to make a greated culture. Genesis is a Germanic synonym - and it shows eactly that what had been the actual intentisn of those of cloth, in Rome. Country flags are with a direct, but a wordless pattern, emphasis to show an allegiacne to the Romans. teh Crusaes, perhaps, but entire new Continents have been realised to be with testamental valuses; whilst the actuyak Earth has been by intention of words tobe a pee-ing place by those theists; religious leaders who make people obay and trust in patterns of words, as when high scholarship should be made more justified, when religion and human magic would be regarded as similar. The patterns of religion should be reasoned, for what it has made, as human magic, where Julius Caesar who did auction for a Vatican was glorified to be our future Christian God - it is of a grat importantce to realise more rights to all natural Earth - and to make proper and working changes on that what actual authority is. Religions are a great mistake, as when the innovation of words to be realised after the time of outspoken; the actual rule pof the past has been lingering on, as when the actual Roman Empire perhaps was or was not one that debated for a better Utopian similarity to natural existence. Actual laws may not be with a trust in scemantics that are of that earlier, as when the GOd that we trust is a synonym to Julius Caesar - as when his name has a contact to a time when they perhaps knew of forms to make information stay - we coudl reason Julisu Caesar as a persona of a time who wanted earth to make the planet to be a cave painting, just as when Socrates hismelf had spoken of words of a human who was schackeled into a dark, whilst the actual light coudl not be seen. Socratees has probably ben presumed to have died, whilst protecting the actual true existence of Earth, as when he was as well reasoned as a fool, who explained himself to be without knowledge, but most probably because of that time when the Greek were with the new innovatipon - that what as well woudl have made the ten commandments become engraved into two stone tablets, as to show the next; the break situation, when Moses went folly, and broke the commandents at the mountain of Siinai. Preachesres world wide make grat promises about a proper leadership, and perhaps discuss of symbolic reasons or properties, by well known phraces: his Kingdom is one of words, and is not actual - buyt none of them would have discussed about that what Socrates was proven guilty for - the actual true existence itself has been vanished, as when th Bible relfers for example by Genesis 1:28 to subdue nature, to have human people to be fertile and to adopt themselves to each and every part of tghe world. Thereby we do have by Amerigo Vespucci and Christoffer Columbus the Maple Leaf, in Canada. The laws have practiced on nature and on animals a similar pattern to that what the Jews met at the times of the second world war, making it a human property. Arbeit Macht Frei is anyhow a propaganda to humans, as when nature and animals are not told by words of God what to do. This is written for PETA and for human culture laws to be with know-how.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:00:30 +0000

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