To: The mps,ministers, & members of South Sudan constitution - TopicsExpress


To: The mps,ministers, & members of South Sudan constitution commission, Its no secret that parliament has become a catalyst of misrule & a rubber stamp of the mafia regime in Juba,the latest oppressive bill (NATIONAL SECURITY BILL) u rushed & passed it .but the God of the electrates,the people that gavf you the flamboyant life you enjoy now is watching.thats why the ocuppant of the office of the president mr gen Salva Kiir cdnt endorsed it in to law,this law was not only a contrast to the interim constitution but dictatorial,oppressive & tip toeing other agencies eg police.our mps care about positions in the govt only . The cabinet has become a hard league of fellow robbers,with one allocating 4 him/her self a fleet (convoy) of not less than 6 expensive cars for entourage,a unit or batalion of soldiers etc.this kind of sensitivy &insecurity sends a signal that there is something cinicle,devilish&criminal about your selves.your security is the most exagerated in the region,cars,fuel&maintainence,allowances.its beyond benefits on merits but prestige & looting in expense of the common man. I want to remind the comissioner, & members south sudan constitutional commission ;about the principle of justice that they hve deviated & continue to deviate states, that, let justice prevail even if heaven falls, you drafted a commission that gave sweeping powers to the president & the executive,which was not a only threat to democracy & fundamental rights but to peace & cohersion of the rushed every bit of it& you have crushed big time coz constitution is meant to correct the past mistake but you did the oppossite. In mz conclussion remarls,i would like to say it clear & loud that the blood of the South Sudanese claimed by war since 2o11 are in the hands of the individuals & the agencies i have mentioned.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 09:08:37 +0000

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