To: Thirty-six Unity Coalition Candidates Greg Conlon - TopicsExpress


To: Thirty-six Unity Coalition Candidates Greg Conlon [Republican] for State Treasurer (Santa Clara) Ron Gold [Republican] for State Attorney General (Los Angeles) Dale Mensing [Republican] for US Congress (Marin, Humboldt, Counties) CD2 James Hinton [Independent] for US Congress (Napa) CD5 Bob Conaway [Democratic] for US Congress (San Bernardino) CD8 Ro Khanna [Democratic] for US Congress (Santa Clara) CD17 Steve Stokes [Independent) for US Congress (Los Angeles) CD28 Andy Whallom [Republican] for Congress (Long Beach) CD47 Ethan on behalf of Dave Peiser [Democratic] for Congress (San Diego) CD49 Ricardo Benitez [Republican] for State Senate (Los Angeles) SD19 (No email) Matt Munson [Republican] for State Senate (San Bernardino) SD20 Peter Choi [Democratic] for State Senate (Los Angeles) SD24 Jim Reed [Democratic] for State Assembly (Tehema) AD3 Kevin McCarty [Democratic] for State Assembly (Sacramento) AD7 Joy Delepine [Republican] for State Assembly (Contra Costa) AD14 Tony Thurmond [Democratic] for Assembly (Alameda) AD15 Dave Erlich [Republican] for Assembly (Alameda) AD18 Devon Mathis [Republican] for State Assembly (Tulare, Inyo & Kern) AD26 Palmer Kain [Republican] for State Senate (Santa Cruz) AD29 Pedro Rios [Republican] for Assembly (Kern) AD32 John Coffey [Democratic] for Assembly (San Bernardino) AD33 Heidi Harmon [Democratic] for Assembly (San Luis Obispo) AD35 Nathaniel Tsai [Republican] for Assembly (Los Angeles) AD41 Zachary Taylor [Republican] for Assembly (Studio City) AD46 Glen Ratcliff [Republican] for Assembly (Los Angeles) AD54 Gregg Fritchle [Democratic] for Assembly (Covina) AD55 Ken Park [Democratic] for Assembly (Corona) AD60 John Goya [Republican] for Assembly (Long Beach) AD70 Thomas Krouse [Republican] for Assembly (San Diego) AD76 Marcus Giavanni [Independent] for Governor (CO) Harry Hempy [Green] for Governor (CO) Scott Olson [Green] for Lt. Governor (CO) Joe Phillips [Socialist] for State Assembly SD40 (NY) Anne Armstrong [Compassion] for Governor (RI) Tony Jones [Libertarian] for Lt. Governor (RI) Pamela Azar [Independent] for Secretary of State (RI) Pre-Primary Unity Coalition Candidates: Alan Reynolds [Whig] FORMER 2014 candidate for Lt Governor Tammy Blair [Democratic] FORMER 2014 candidate for Controller Janel Buycks [Non-partisan] FORMER 2014 candidate for Governor Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian] FORMER 2014 candidate for Attorney General Joe Leicht [Independent] FORMER 2014 candidate for Governor Jeffrey H.Drobman [Democratic] FORMER 2014 candidate for Secretary of State Roy Allmond [Republican] FORMER 2014 candidate for Secretary of State Richard Aguirre [Republican] FORMER 2014 candidate for Governor Cc: Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State] Paul Holman [Independent Democrat] From: James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] 651 Cannery Row, B-18 Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 383-1409 Subject: Eight Unity Platform Items Elected! California Super-state Parliament * * * 1. Eight Unity Platform Items Elected! 2. Socialist and Compassion Party Candidates Further Unity 3. Unity Coalition Campaign Schedule Through November 4th, 2014 * * * 1. Eight Unity Platform Items Elected! 1 End all corruption in the State of California. 2 Advocate for legislation that will improve tax revenue by decreasing both individual and corporate tax rates. 3 Online Voting via any Internet device -- to increase voter participation 4 Comprehensive tax reform upon further analysis with the goal of lessening the tax burden on middle and lower earners, removing loopholes for corporations in order to spread the tax burden, and potentially lessen the overall taxes on both corporations and individuals. 5 Improved utilization of internet and technology for interactive citizen-government relationship at all levels of government and community 6 Added specific ending of corrupting influence of money in politics, including but not limited to repealing Citizens United, lower campaign donation limits, clean money disclosures and up to some form of publicly funded campaigns (if deemed necessary) 7 Re-institute the Glass-Steagall firewall to separate banks, brokerages, and insurance. 8 Immediate labeling of all foods containing GMO products and require that seeds be made available for testing as a condition of their release to the market. * * * 2. Socialist and Compassion Party Candidates Further Unity Greetings everyone! Special thanks going out for the recent participation by two candidates on the Unity Coalition we have elected three new planks on the platform (see item #s 6, 7 & 8, above). Candidate for New York State Assembly Joe Phillips [Socialist] (SD40) voted for all 17 items and he stated; United for the working class and not divided by party! Candidate for Governor of Rhode Island Anne Armstrong [Compassion] voted on five items and writes; I have a vision for our state where common sense, compassion, and cooperation can re-create Rhode Island into a place where everyone can live in abundance. chapinsito/press-release/ * * * 3. Unity Coalition Campaign Schedule Through November 4th, 2014 With the first Tuesday in November just twenty days ahead, there is still plenty of time to promote the national Unity Coalition team and more announcements about new members and newly elected Unity Platform planks will be publicized as the results change. The regular planned Monthly Bulletin announcement is November 1st, but with these new votes there will be another Special Bulletin for the main email list of 475+ contacts within a few days. Should any of the Unity Coalition candidates wish to have an affect and get some free PR, please rank any of the items of the Unity Platform and email them along with a short statement of phone call and the news from your campaign will be blasted to our bigger email list along with the complete results in any changes caused by your rankings. Get the eballot here and follow the directions: Thank you very much everyone, your participation is appreciated. Please dont hesitate to phone or email should you need help or have any special requests for the United Coalition. Very truly yours, --James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Volunteer vote counter (831) 383-1409 * * * end
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 20:27:09 +0000

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