To add to this, from the diverse opinions of Zimbabweans on - TopicsExpress


To add to this, from the diverse opinions of Zimbabweans on facebook there are some that support us and our methods. Then there are those that, as Itai says, are convinced that this is not the Zimbabwe we want, but arent convinced our methods are effective, or would like to see us take a different route. To them I say, this is our own response to this conviction we share, this desire to see a better Zimbabwe. If you think there are better ways, by all means, engage in those ways! Who are we to counsel against that, or say our way is the only way? It is the way we believe in, and have chosen, but nothing stops others from taking a different path. The bottom line is that the wait and see approach has failed us. It has reduced us to spectators of the Zimbabwean tragedy. So I urge all Zimbabweans who have had enough of the status quo to take action, however small. If it is writing a letter to your MP or ambassadors. If it is approaching the diplomatic community, our neighbours in SADC. If it be simply to talk among ourselves as Zimbabweans, wherever we are. Let us take responsibility for our country.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 09:45:33 +0000

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