To all Ecology North Supporters, it is a sad day today at the - TopicsExpress


To all Ecology North Supporters, it is a sad day today at the Ecology North Office. On the weekend we lost one of the most passionate, dedicated crusaders for the environment that the North has ever seen. Doug Ritchie, was a gentle giant of a man, who commanded respect when he walked into a room. Even those who did not necessarily agree with his green positions had great respect for this man who walked the talk. Around the Ecology North office, Doug was not only the chairperson of the board, a former dedicated employee, and a fountain of knowledge, around here he was the pillar Ecology North was built around, our understated leader, a mentor, and a friend to all. We will sadly miss Dougs frequent drop-ins to the office, his deep chuckle, the way he made time for all. From all of us at Ecology North we would like to thank France for taking such great care of Doug, we admire your strength, and will remember that always. Doug passed away on January 10th at 11:40pm peacefully at Stanton Hospital, surrounded by friends and loved ones. There will be funeral ceremony in Kelowna in the near term, and a memorial in April in Yellowknife. Doug requested in lieu of flowers a donation to Ecology North. We are in the process of developing a memorial fund in Dougs honour, in which donations can be made. (details will follow) Doug must be needed up there somewhere, and we know wherever he is he is making a positive difference. From all your Friends at Ecology North
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 21:32:29 +0000

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