"To all International Action Groups, Media, Governments and - TopicsExpress


"To all International Action Groups, Media, Governments and People all over the world As from yesterday, the government oppression and police violence in Turkey over the manifestations all over the country worsened. The government is aiming to eradicate its own people through illegal arrests and detentions, inhumane police attacks, use of tear gas, water cannons filled with chemicals and rubber balls. This is the eclipse of reason. Things are getting out of hand, the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is ignoring all kinds of International declaration and enforcement for the restitution of human rights and the peace in the country. Yesterday,15 June 2013, he declared during a speech in Ankara that protesters should leave Gezi Park immediately or they would be removed by security forces ahead of a rally of his supporters in Istanbul on Sunday. Moreover, the Minister for EU Affairs and the chief negotiator, Egemen Bağış, declared that all protesters would be deemed terrorists from now on. In a matter of minutes the security forces entered the park ravaging the tents and throwing tear gas from all fronts. The entrances of the hotels that opened their doors to help people were gassed, the doctors were detained and the groups were chased away by riot control vehicles triggering stampedes and chaos endangering the lives of families, kids, seniors, youngsters, everyone present at the park at the moment. Later at night, a hotel where many people took refugee and dispensaries were created to render first aid, were tear gassed. Police removed all medical material, gas masks and safety helmets. Many were taken into custody and their whereabouts is unknown. The voluntary doctors warned people not to let anyone get on public ambulances but on private ones, or they would be delivered directly to the police after the medical attention. At the same time, a private hospital in Taksim was attacked by water cannons without a wince. The protests persisted until the morning under police violence, behind barricades and in the streets. People from all over Istanbul struggled to reach Taksim, from different neighborhoods, crossing the Bosphorus bridge to help the groups under merciless police attack.In the meantime, from the first day on, the security forces have been much more severe in Ankara, charging on people relentlessly, hindering all means of pacific action and aiming to kill manifesting citizens. The media has been much more ignorant to what has been going on at the capital.This is a call for people all over the world, the international media and political organizations to urge the Prime Minister of Turkey to stop his violent and oppressive attitude and impose sanctions. Please spread the word to anyone you can and send this to your Consulates in Turkey. This country belongs to the people not to a tyrant who is breaching all human rights and defying the democracy in Turkey. We will keep our pacific manifestations until what has always belonged to people is given back to them; their human dignity, the right to their cities, the freedom of speech and the right to determine the faith of the people by the people themselves. The people in Turkey are being killed by their own government and the violent clashes are still going on. This is a state of emergency. Please take immediate action and take your positions.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 21:35:56 +0000

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