To all fans of my band Television. I left the band amicably in - TopicsExpress


To all fans of my band Television. I left the band amicably in 2007. I am NOT on tour with them. Again,I am not on tour with Television and will not be in any shows they might do... . Tom replaced me with ... who is a guitarist who can play my parts pretty flawlessly. I dont think of it as Television anymore, but as Toms dream of having everyone subservient to him, Im sure he is as happy as a clam. I have released 4 records since I left, Television has not released anything since 1992, a period of 22 years. Our band agreement was that if any one member died or otherwise left, the remaining three could continue to use the name Television. I left so Tom must keep Fred and Billy to have a legal right to continue as Television. From 1992 - 2007, I played live shows which proved that I provided a great deal of the impact the band had than those who had never seen us, and served my purpose. There are plenty of live performances on YouTube that confirm that fact. In fact, I found and chose Tom to create a twin geared guitar band. He didnt find me. In 2007 I released one of my favorite records: The Radiant Monkey, followed by a double CD with a complete remix of Field of Fire, an album of 10 Hendrix covers called The Jaime Neverts Story and another all unreleased material digital only album called Lodestones. There was also a re-release of Alchemy, and soon four old tunes including the original version of I Thought (You Wanted to Know), and a single I produced by the Erasers, on a compilation of stuff that was or was going to released on Ork records, in a nice box set. Sadly, none of those records sold well, and all I can do is make great records for those who do find them as gems or gold in the mudslide of bad music that kids rip or otherwise people but them from all the usual digital sources which dont amount to much. I am forever on the three (5 if you count The Blowup and Live 1978 I will always be on those records, including Marquee Moon, which to this day has never been out of print and still sells after all this time. I wrote guitar instruction columns and made videos for Guitar World Magazine for two years, and they are available in two DVDs from the Guitar World Store, as Guitar instruction videos and columns. Guitar World received more letters and emails praising my column than anything the magazine ever put out. Ive done a number of East coast and Southeast Tours and am planning a next album as we speak. I have also been quite busy concerning matters other than music, as I was trained as a Scientist before going into Rock Music. I am all together fine, in good health and still teach in person or through Skype, and plan to record later this year. The best to everyone.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 19:31:02 +0000

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