To all illegal aliens: We in America understand that your - TopicsExpress


To all illegal aliens: We in America understand that your nation isnt fit to live in.. You see, weve had our own problems here too.. We had a Civil War where brother fought against brother, friend against friend, for the future of the nation. Its the only nation in the history of the world that went to arms against its fellow countrymen where one of the reasons was slavery.. We ended that slavery, and have made great strides toward racial harmony until our current worthless President Obama. We fought and won 2 World Wars, of which you were the benefit of our efforts. We had something called The Great Depression.. Times were tougher during that time than any other in our history. But despite having a civil war, 2 world wars, and a massive depression where our own citizens were starving, we didnt run from our problems... We didnt beg for help.. We didnt blame anyone else.. We didnt take the cowards way out and run away, expecting a handout from another nation... We did what Americans do, we pulled together and got past those trying, difficult, and perilous times. They made us stronger for our struggles.. You, on the other hand, seem to believe that America owes you something... Let me fill you in.. America, nor life owes you anything at all. Your next breath, your next heartbeat is a gift, and you should cherish it. Freedom is not free. Coming here expecting handouts and freedom without effort will do you no good, for you will appreciate nothing that you have gained by the labors of hardworking Americans. If you want freedom, if you want to live in a prosperous land, then you need to do something in YOUR homeland to achieve that.. Mexico, Central and South America, now, is not the time to run away from your problems.. Now is the time to find your backbones, your spirit that yearns for freedom and to fight for your own freedom.. For if you earn that freedom, and you overthrow tyranny, if your nation achieves prosperity earned from the blood, sweat and tears of your actions, you will have earned something... Now is the time for you to have a 1776 moment in your homeland. Even if you come to America and are allowed to stay because our politicians are too spineless to kick you out, you wont appreciate the freedom you have, because you dont have the legacy of liberty that was EARNED by Americans... So stop trying to destroy the nation that has helped you so many times in the past.. Stop invading the United States without a care that you are destroying the very place that is the beacon of freedom and liberty to the rest of the world. Stop coming here, youre not welcome... You see, Americans and true immigrants who came here legally are getting quite fed up with you and your cowardly ways of running from your problems. So pack your bags and head south... Were not racist, we love our immigrants from all over the world... America is indeed made up of immigrants, and our heritage shows it, our festivals and restaurants show it. Our history shows it. What we dont like, and we dont want, are people who couldnt possibly care less about our laws, our heritage, our history, or the well being of this nation... You know where you came from, so get back on The Beast when it heads back south and GO HOME.. America is not your home, and true Americans will fight tooth and nail to keep it AMERICAN! So GET OUT, before we become angry... Americans become very ugly when pushed to our limits... Just ask Germany and Japan what we are capable of when America becomes angry. Please dont push us to that level.. We dont like going there any more than you will like being the recipient of our wrath.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:57:22 +0000

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