To all my FB friends: Tomorrow, the 19th of September, my wife and - TopicsExpress


To all my FB friends: Tomorrow, the 19th of September, my wife and I were invited to Harrahs Resort Hotel and Casino to see the great country singer,( Willie Nelson, in concert.) We enjoy all kinds of music, but we tend to prefer country music and neapolitan songs. We happily accepted the invitation and are looking forward to going there and having a helluva good time for 3 days. We will be staying in a luxury suite and dining in upscale restaurants. Of course, we also will be blowing away money at the slot machines and gaming tables. As we see it, why not enjoy ourselves while we are alive as we certainly will not be taking the money with us when we die. So as I said before, we intend to have one helluva good time......Per amici che non parlano la lingua inglese, vi prego di cliccare sulla parola TRADURRE oppure TRANSLATION Ciaoooo...
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:19:22 +0000

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