To all my Smoker Friends. I know many of you know that I smoke. - TopicsExpress


To all my Smoker Friends. I know many of you know that I smoke. But to bring you all up to speed, I have quit smoking. Its been a month and no, I do not get cravings. I puked out some Tar when I was ill recently. That was like a big tight slap on my conscience. Since then I have not smoked. Im not boasting, chances are that I may start again. But Ill make it an effort to quit. Please quit smoking. Its only been a month and Im already feeling better. Food tastes better, I can run longer and I no longer cough randomly in the night. My sleep has improved. I know youll say, Bhadwe tu kitna smoke karneka, sala chimney tha, ab chod diya isliye bhashan dena chalu?. My reply to that would be yes I used to smoke a lot, but the day you start puking out tar, yes shit that they use to make roads. Youll realize what I am saying.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 21:14:36 +0000

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