To all my friends: Even though I am going through a rough time - TopicsExpress


To all my friends: Even though I am going through a rough time in my life. I will always be here to lend a listening ear to listen with, a shoulder to cry on or just if you feel like talking my ears off. A false friend is someone who wants your help but leaves you when you need them the most, but a true friend is someone who will be there for you, not only when you need them, but even when you dont need them. A false friend will always ask for something in return for their help, but a true friend will only ask for your continued friendship and support. A false friend will only listen and help if there is something in it for them, but a true friend will listen and give advice, no matter what. A false friend will always need to be told how you are feeling for them to notice if something is wrong or not. But a true friend is someone who will most of the time pick up on it by themselves. It is easy to be fooled and taken in by people pretending to be your friend. But if you look closely at their behavior, mannerisms, language (both body and verbal), how they would act differently around other people and how they talk to you, then you can guard yourself from being hurt over and over again. Keep your distance from those sort of people, but keep your true and real friends close to your heart, for in the end, those are the people that will matter the most in and make a big impact on your life. As for my parting words, do not judge a person by their looks. The guy next to you on the train, covered in piercings, tattoos and a blue Mohawk or long hair could be the nicest and most open minded person youll ever meet. Where as, the clean shaven man in a business suit standing behind you could be the meanest, rudest, closed minded bigot ever. Or. The girl in your class who looks like a supermodel, could either be really smart, intelligent and kind. Or she could be a real unintelligent person who is only interested in superficial things. or the girl in your class, who nobody pays attention to because she appears to be rather plain and unattractive, could be really intelligent and kind. I am lucky and privileged enough to know of a number of beautiful people (of all genders or non gendered) who are incredibly beautiful. Not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. They are beautiful, even if they dont see it, because their inner beauty shines through and shows on the inside. So before you judge someone solely on their looks. Get to know them. Or better yet, dont judge them at all, for you are in turn being judged yourself. He/she who points the finger has three fingers pointing back at them. (Words of wisdom from my ex wife) With lots of love, hugs and kisses Scarlet Leanne Pogonowski ♡ X ♡ X ♡
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:50:27 +0000

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