To all my friends and family my mother lost her battle to cancer - TopicsExpress


To all my friends and family my mother lost her battle to cancer on Sunday at 9:41pm. My mother was a person that I can honestly say she lived her life the way she wanted and she died the way she wanted, what can I say, my mother was my mother and she was who she was and she never shifted to the left or to the right for no one if she didnt want too! But man, If you were on her good side she would she would bring down towers for you!! The reason I say that she died the way she lived is because when she 1st learned she had cancer I believe was in September of last year. My mother kept her cancer that was attacking her liver a secret from all of us. No one had a clue, when I asked my mother on Friday already in her death bed as to why she would keep it a secret from all of us, she simply replied that she didnt want us to be worrying about her. I asked that if she was scared to die she stated No mijo I dont owe nobody anything and no one owes me nothing, I have a clean heart and no Im not afraid. WOW is all I can say! As I glazed into this womans eyes I can see that she was telling it like it was! No Fear! I then went on to express how proud I was to have had her as my Mother, Strong, fearless independent woman that had to do what ever she had to do to get me and my sister Lorena ahead! I can recall one time as I was growing up, I was being picked on by an older bully from school, everyday I would come home banged up from this bully and my mother would see me and she would shake her head and ignore me, until one day upset, I asked her if she didnt care about me getting bang up everyday!? She simply stated Mijo Only Pendejos get bang up! And to be honest Mijo Im starting to think that I just might have a pendejo as a son! And I dont know what to think about that, cause I know that Im not a pendeja and I know your father wasnt a pendejo but here you are a PENDEJO! I yelled back! I ant no Pendejo! My mother replied No then why are you banged up?! All I can say that that bully never ever banged me up again! LOL Lord forgive me for sharing this story the way it happen, And Lord thank you so much :.) for lending her to me and my family for as long as you did. Thank you for all the memories that you allowed my mother to have with us! Im not goanna lie Im goanna miss her! Im goanna miss the joke contest we had between me and her! Im hurting sooo much that she gone but Im proud of the way she went!! My Mother even in her trouble stage in her hospital bed was still cracking jokes, A nurse came in and wanted to place something on her heels and the nurse said Mrs Calanche allow me to place this on your pretty heels and my mother replied, The only heel in the family is my son in-law! LOL. Lord Jesus thank you for allowing my brothers and sisters from church pray over her and sing worship songs to her! And allowing her to hear us, she rewarded us by her tears rolling down her face. I LOVE YOU MOM! And Always always always all the honor and glory goes to our Lord!!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 06:13:51 +0000

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