To all my friends out there on both sides of the political - TopicsExpress


To all my friends out there on both sides of the political spectrum in My fb land,,,, with the close of 2014 happening this evening, and the fact that I have also put on another year,,,, not to mention the 10 lbs,,, I am at a complete loss to understand why there is such bitter and personal feelings being continually expressed on here about the Obama Administration. Most of you know by now that I am an Independent that tends to lean left so its no secret how I stand of a lot of issues. I am looking at the Stock Market breaking 1800,,, unemployment at 5.8%,,,, gasoline below $2.00,,,, more people than ever before covered with some kind of affordable healthcare,,,, finally some movement on the gay rights issues,,,, facing the immigrations issue,,,, bringing thousands of National Guard and Reserve Military (who I feel should never have been sent in place of our Reg Military anyway) home from the wars,,, a stable debt ceiling,,, and the best economic growth that we have seen in years,,,,facing greenhouse gas problems and environmental issues,,,,,,,, just to mention a few things. So not withstanding the fact that Obama has the personality of a chalk board,,, what pisses off so many of you on the right? Have some of you completely forgotten the state of our country 6 years ago? What has this administration done so wrong that has directly affected so of your lives in such a negative way that some of you feel the need to continually rail so outspokenly about him. With all the hard work that everyone has done to keep their head above water through some of the worst financial time in this countrys recent history,,,, unfortunately the only thing that that I can see that has changed much is that the rich keep taking more and more of our share of the wealth. And that my friends should concern everyone! WHAT IS IT THAT MAKES BOTH SIDES STAY CONTINUALLY AT EACH OTHERS THROATS INSTEAD OF WORKING TOGETHER TO MAKE OUR LIVES BETTER? With a new year starting tomorrow I would really love to know how some of you feel,,,, but I would like to know your REAL personal feelings,,,,,, not a bunch of the canned bs talking points of your political party,,, because I feel thats a major problem. Im also curious to see how many people read this. Heres wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year! I wouldnt want to be on this planet without every one of you here too :) :)
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:58:04 +0000

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