To all my sisters in Christ, I believe now more than ever in - TopicsExpress


To all my sisters in Christ, I believe now more than ever in the times were living in there is a great need among women and young girls to feel like they need to have a mans approval and without it they feel worthless, unloved, unattractive, and many other emotions. There is especially a lot of pressure from society and Hollywood on what women should look like,act like, and etc. Sadly every day that passes there are more and more young girls being sucked into this twisted expectation and women continuing to be stuck in darkness year after year because they place their value in the hands of someone else instead of placing their value and identity of who theyre in the one who breathed life into them, the Creator of the Universe, the GREAT I AM. We give power to people who dont deserve to have power over us much less dont deserve us. Maybe you give others the power to declare your worth or maybe youre finding your value in earthly things, wherever youre let me tell you that YOURE MAGNIFICENTLY & BEAUTIFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE!! GOD DOES NOT CREATE JUNK, YOURE PRICELESS!!!! There is a timeless beauty, an elegance and a respect of a woman who in all her ways is modest. She is humble and not ostentatious yet she carries herself with such confidence some could mistake it for arrogance, but the discerning eye knows that she knows her worth and value is not being placed in things that are fleeting and fleshly, for time and life will age every one of us. There is something about her that most people wont ever be able to understand or grasp, but theyll know theres something different about her. And when they behold a glimpse of her peace and her self- assurance oh trust me theyll want it. I tell you that more women will look upon her with envy than to the one that shows the most skin, because unlike the rest she does not seek outward and earthly approval, instead her heart is fixed to the only voice that matters and that voice is the one who has spoken identity to her. Knowing that she needs only Gods attention and validation she is fruitful and prosperous in all her ways for when she is victorious she does not boast but honors and gives thanks to God for she is a humble woman. Women envy because they want something that they cant attain or be, but I tell you this with great news you can become confident in and find peace with who God has made you to be. Dont misunderstand me..Im not condoning jealousy, however acknowledging a positive and healthy area in someones life and wanting to be set free in that same area or maybe a different area is how we grow. Ladies, we are called to be in the world but not of the world (Romans 12:2) Always remember.. 1. YOURE BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE...YES FLAWS AND ALL!! 2. YOURE A GORGEOUS CREATION, for Ephesians 2:10 says Youre Gods masterpiece! 3. YOURE SO VERY VALUABLE AND WORTHY!! 4. YOU DESERVE RESPECT!! 5. YOURE A PROVERBS 3:15 WOMAN!! A capable intelligent and virtuous woman-who can find? YOU are far more precious than jewels and your value is far above rubies or pearls 6. YOURE NOT FORGOTTEN AND YOURE NEVER ALONE!! 7. YOURE LOVED!! 8. YOURE THE DAUGHTER OF THE MOST HIGH KING!!! 9. YOURE A MIGHTY WOMAN OF GOD AND ANYONE WHO DARES TO TELL YOU OTHERWISE IS NOT WORTH YOUR PRECIOUS TIME!!
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 22:42:10 +0000

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