To all my students in grade 9 this is your reviewer in - TopicsExpress


To all my students in grade 9 this is your reviewer in MAPEH: GRADE 9 MUSIC: INDIAN MUSIC is an oldest unbroken musical tradition in the world. VEDAS is an Ancient Indian scripture from which most Indian music were based. TALA a rhythmic time cycle used in Indian music. SAM first beat of the tala. KHALI empty beat of the tala. DADRA is a shortest kind of tala. TINTAL is a longest kind of tala. RAGA is an aesthetic melodic form in Indian music. SHRUTIS is an ornamentation used for raga that adds heaviness or lightness in Indian music. RASA is a term used to describe the dynamics expressed in Indian music. MRIDANGAM is a barrel-shaped double-headed drum placed between the thighs of the percussionist. SAROD is a string instrument smaller than a sitar. TAMBURA is a string instrument that is made out of jackwood and is used to play the drone pattern. TABLA it is covered with parchment with a permanent black paste at the center, it consists of two drums with covering on one side. KARNA it has wide funnel-shaped opening at the end. SHENAI it has eight holes but only one upper seven are used. MOHURI it is also made of conical bore with a metal bell with seven fingers holes from Mahdya Pradesh. ART: PAPYRUS is a kind of reed used by the Egyptians in making paper. ANCIENT EGYPTIANS has become increasingly distant, mysterious and fascinating ever since. JEAN FRANCOIS CHAMPOLLION is the “Father of Egyptology” and the decipherer of hieroglyphics. HIEROGLYPHICS is the early form of writing used by Egyptians. GIOVANNI BELZONI is an Italian excavator, explorer and adventurer who was the most colorful character in the 19th century Egyptology. W.M.F PETRIE is the most active archaeologist working in Egypt, who pioneered new scientific methods and produced some 1,000 publications. MINOAN CIVILIZATION is the early civilization in Greece. Greeks are known for PROFILE OF HUMAN FORM. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE is characterized by the pointed arches and stained glass. POTTERY MAKING is one of the oldest art form in Greece. P.E: BODY MASS it is used to determine the body mass index. 6210 beats per minute that the human heart can attain. THMR-15 is the formula used to find the PMHR. SITTING HEIGHT used to measure the total height of the trunk, neck and head. STATURE is to measure the sole of the feet to the top of the head. ARM SPAN used to measure the width of the shoulders and length of both arms. HEALTH: HEALTH is the most precious thing that should be treasured regardless of status in life, age and gender. VISION TESTING is the test for vision is correlated with other observations in the child like poor reading ability, presence of signs of eyestrains like headache, swollen, watery eyes or discharges and frequent development of sties. HEARING TEST is the test will identify the hearing ability of the child. FOOD MOISTURE is a condition that caters to bacterial growth. FOOD PRESERVATION is a method may be classified under short term and long term which are achieved in a variety of ways. SALTING is a method of food preservation more commonly used in meat and fish and less in fruits and vegetables. DRYING is one of the oldest methods of food preservations. MALARIA is the worst handicaps during camping and military operations.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 11:16:42 +0000

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