To all my wonderful friends who want to know how I was able to - TopicsExpress


To all my wonderful friends who want to know how I was able to achieve the sale of 500,000 copies of my book within a year, below are the secrets: 1.) When writing a book, stick to what you know; no matter how crude your knowledge is in your chosen career; somebody is in serious need of it. But it will pay a lot if you are thorough in your career as many will see your ideas as a solution to their need. 2.) Make deep seated research on the works of people whom have excelled in your career: put it to work over and over again. Fine tune this borrowed knowledge to be unique to you -- Right on the spot you have something unique to sell to the world. 3.) Writting a best selling book is easy as it sounds. A lot of hardwork goes into the name of book and how the cover page would look -- It may even take you up to 3 months to come up with one. The name of your book is very important. 4.) Having a sound publisher is like having a perfect parent for any child. The era when you need to submit your book to an agent for a popular publishing house, the eight months or even a year wait before your book will be given a consideration is long dead. At the stroke of a button, you can publish your book within 24 hours online. Remember nothing comes free online. Createspace is my major publish house on all my works, they are fast and reliable, and prompt in responding to any query you give them: and above all, their work is excellent -- you can tell that from my books. Createspace is owned by amazon; so publishing my book on amazon is free. 5.) You must make sure you publisher have a second party publishing house that will help in marketing your book: thats where Abebook Inc came in. Amazon as a company has a direct JV with Abebook Inc to help their authors on createspace: but this service is not free. It all depends on your membership level with createspace and their offer you are willing to pay. There are rooms for other JVs to help market your book both online and offline, but how much are you willing to pay. 6.) Once you have agreed a certain second party to help in selling your book, createspace will ask you to first write them in person, if your application is approved, you have to commite $500 to createspace to ship some of your books to this second party (in my case, it was Abebooks Inc); and this charge is excluding the independent charges from the second party. People have come up to me to tell me that they could not find my books on Abebook; yes its true: it is due to my arrangement with them. I found out we sell more on their outlets all over Canada and some part of US than we sell online -- so what is the need paying a fortune monthly for online adverts when my book has a great presence in North America. 7.) Form a JVs with professionals in your career to help you market your book in their seminars and conferences: if you are a public speaker like me, making new friends will be easy for you. 60% of my books were sold in seminars which I am not involved. The most important thing is how of what I earn per book Im I willing to commit in such business arrangment? 8.) Have your book written in other languages if you want to go global: not all countries do speak english. Investors Magnet with the help of my investors is currently on 10 different international language; and we hope to increase it up to 20 by the end of this year. 9.) Build franchise around your book. There is different between a franchise and affiliate. I discovered from Jack Canfield and his concept is what I use in marketing my books globally. There are some organizations that had some business exchange with me; I had to commit some serious amount to make my book hit this record within a year. Finally, a wise friend told me; You need to be great before you start something, but you start something to be great. I spent fortune attending seminars on franchise from Jack Canfield, in the end it is paying off. Please I will be glad if you send in your questions; thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:39:14 +0000

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