To all non-muslims why Islam?? A creator exists! Islam - TopicsExpress


To all non-muslims why Islam?? A creator exists! Islam teaches that a creator exists and atheism is what oppose this belief! Atheistically, life on earth was a result of evolution,HOW TRUE? According to the theory of evolution,all life on Earth is descended from a last universal ancestor that lived approximately 3.8 billion years ago Question to the atheists; Where did the last universal ancestor come from?? How come this universal ancestor split to humans,lions,goats,orangutans, Monkies,elephants,zebras,cockroaches,microspodias, fishes....etc?? When did the last universal ancestor die??? Coming to #metarmophosis,if apes metamorphosed to humans, why did humans ceaae to metamorphose to other things?? Female apes too metamorphosed to female humans?? Islam teaches that there is a supernatural entity behind existence!! Most atheists ask,IF A CREATOR EXISTS,WHY CANT WE FEEL HIM,HOLD HIM TOUCH HIM,TELL HIM TO COME DOWN etc.... #Answer If a man creates a robot,there are some exclusive attributes a man has that a robot has not!! Can a robot sweat? Does it grow? Do robots have sperm? Can robot get pregnant?? NO!!!!!! the creator of humans,animals,waters must be independent from what he created!! Now;ISLAM IS A MONOTHEISTIC AND ABRAHIMIC RELIGION ARTICULATED BY THE QURAN!! SINCE NATURE DIDNT COME INTO EXISTENCE BY ITS INTELLIGENCE, #ISLAM CALLS US TO TOTAL SUBMISSION TO THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE! When we work for the government, we call ourselves #CIVIL_SERVANTS,LETS CALL OURSELVES TJE SERVANT OF THE CREATOR!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- POINT 2: WHY USE HE FOR THE CREATOR? HE IS A PRONOUN USED TO REFER TO THE MALE GENDER!,IF WE USE #HE FOR THE CREATOR,THEN THE CREATOR SHOULD POSESS MANHOOD,INTESTINE....... etc #ANSWER: NOWHERE IN THE QURAN DID ALLAH QUALIFY HIMSELF WITH MALE OR FEMALE GENDER!! WE was used instead pronoun (personal) The speakers/writers, or the speaker/writer and at least one other person. (personal) The speaker/writer alone. (The use of we in the singular is the editorial we, used by writers and others, including #royalty—the royal we—as a less personal substitute for I. The reflexive case of this sense of we It is used to qualify non-living things,and we cant use it cos we believe the creator is living thereby creating life!! Biblically and quranically, MAN WAS CREATED BEFORE FEMALE So,using he doesnt mean we ascribe a gender to the creator!!!!!! MOREOVER,IF WE DO NOT USE HE,SHE,which pronoun do we have left to qualify a living entity?? TELL ME!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ POINT 3: God,Yahweh, Jehovah,Allah,Olorun,ubanji,chinike....etc IS THE CREATOR RESTRICTED TO A NAME?? #ANSWER And (all) the most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those who belie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. We dont worship that name but the concept!!...and what is this concept?? THE ONE ETERNAL,ABSOLUTE THE UNBEGOTTEN NEITHER BEGOT THERE IS NONE LIKE UNTO HIM!!! if you call the creator,blessed,creator,best planner,the supreme....etc,all beautiful names belong to him!! WHY ALLAH?? Muslims use the noun #ALLAH to qualify that concept written above, the whole world wont speak English,so every one has to respect another mans language When I say Olorun,eledumare or Allah,am referring to the most supreme not an idol!!! ALLAH IS A VERY UNIQUE NAME BECAUSE IT HAS NO SINGULAR NOR PLURAL,NO SUFFIX NEITHER PREFIX....example God=God(s)...right Allah=???? God=God(ESS) God=God(mother).....etc Yahweh nor Jehovah was never used to qualify God in the bible,#NO_ONE_KNEW_HOW_IT_WAS_EXACTLY_PRONOUNCED!! but we must qualify the creator with a name,so no grudges with the name you call the creator but there are grudges with the concept of the creator!! Is he three? NO will he kill his son and still tell is to seek forgiveness after sinning??NO!! is there any entity,e.g holy spirit that is superior to the creator,that if you sin against he/she/it, you wont be forgiven??NO!!!!! DID HE BEGOT??!NO,if there was a mention that he begot,THATS JUST A METAPHOR!! If you believe,a creator exist,come lets worship together in total submission!!!! Am a Muslim,not a terrorist!!!! We have good and bad Muslims Good and bad Christians Even a Christian erin hillier matter most to me!!.... We have good and bad Buddhist Good and bad atheist!!! Am a Muslim,not an instrument of violence,neither destruction ------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAM MUSLIMS AND TERRORISM So many terrorists claim to be mislims...SHOULD WE BLAME Islam ? you can claim to be a Christian but not practising Christianity..... Likewise you can claim to be a Muslim and do not practice Islam!!! The Quran says there is no compulsion in religion, boko haram forcefully took little girls and gave them hijab!! Which chapter,verse of the Quran says so? THE BIBLE SAYS THOU SHALL NOT LIE!! THOU SHALL NOT KILL If a Christian kills,lies,, SHOULD WE BLAME THE BIBLE??? Hitler was a Christian Joseph Stalin a.k.a UNCLE JOE killed over 20million people,starved 14.5million to death MAO TSE SUNG killed 14-20million people.... He is not a Muslim The glorious Quran orders that no Muslim should kill a Muslim and we see how boko haram kill muslims in northern Nigeria ,................................................... DONT BLAME ISLAM FOR THE SINS OF MUSLIMS ITS LIKE BLAMING BIBLE FOR A CHRISTIAN THAT LIES AM A MUSLIM NOT A TERRORIST!!!! -----------------------------------------------*---- PROPHET MUHAMMAD (S.A.W),WHO HE WAS? *before the prophet died,the last time he entered the mosque,he asked everyone,WHO DID I OWE,I WILL PAY,WHO HAVE I WRONGED, MY BACK WILL BEAR THE STRIPES... a man came out and said the prophet owe him 3 dirhmas which he gave to a poor man at the request of the prophet and the prophet paid him back!..,,,from,RELIGION OF ISLAM,BY Ahamadgalwash,page61 *HIS HABITS: Thorough and complete in all his actions,he took in hand no work without bringing it to a close.the same habit pervaded his manner in social intercourse. If he turned in conversation towards a friend,he turned not partially,but with his full face and his whole shaking hands,he was not the first to withdraw;nor was he the first to break off in converse with a stranger,nor to turn away his 65,religion of Islam! --------------------------------------------------------**** I am calling you all atheists,Christians,Buddhist,Hindus,Zoroastrian, etc to Islamic monotheism as ordered by Allan,my GOD AND YOUR GOD Quran16:125 Sahih International: Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided. How can we be terrorists when our salutation is peace Islam Means Peace so Revert To Islam because IslamFor AllNation and am enjoining all Muslims to do Dawah Islam and lets do our best in Answering Islamophobes To all lovers of peace,I greet you in the best way in which if cultivated will promote love,peace and unity Peace be unto you;asalamu alaykum waramothula wa barakathu Lukman Muhammad Bashir LUCAS olabode ayinde samson--2014
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 09:55:35 +0000

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