To all of my Facebook friends: Thank you for being a part of my - TopicsExpress


To all of my Facebook friends: Thank you for being a part of my life and helping me become who I am today. This Saturday will mark the end of a 3.5 year college journey, as I will be graduating with my mechanical engineering major and mathematics and business minors. The College of Engineering at the University of Iowa is holding the public ceremony at the *MacBride auditorium on Saturday, December 20th at noon*, so if you are around and would like to come, the other graduates and I would appreciate your support. I would like to share a few of the most important things I learned while in college: 1) Be honest to who you are and do what you love- Show the world who you define yourself to be. Nothing can make you happier and more proud of yourself than following your dreams. With that said, sometimes what you are aspiring to reach is not the most feasible, and that is alright. If you are studying to be a physics major and you did not understand the material in high school very well, well stay at the library until 2 AM and find help from others. Do not give up. If you want to be a pastel artist but there are not many available jobs in your area, well you better be the best damn artist you can be, expand your talents to perhaps graphic art and marketing, and be available to move. Do not give up. Dreams will not come easy; nothing worth having ever does, but if you try your hardest and fight through the sacrifice of sleepless nights and nervous pride, you will see that you can move stars. 2) Appreciate and introduce yourself to others of different backgrounds- As an incoming freshman, I never would have thought that people who may seem so different than me could be so similar and welcoming. However, today I am fortunate to say that some of my best friends come from a multitude of backgrounds whether they are LGBT, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Indian, Sudanese, African, Puerto Rican, Brazilian, Ecuadorian, Mexican, American, Canadian, even Chicagoan (: , etc., etc., etc. 3) Thank others and show genuine appreciation- A thank you can go a long way. People have gotten where they are by hard work and they deserve appreciation. On top of that, you never know when you could use a helping hand. 4) Be trustworthy- This is the “be a good person” speech, but really, be a good person. We all make mistakes and do some shitty things from time to time, but learn from your mistakes and let others know it. Out of all the people out there, make sure you are treating those close to you better than you treat yourself. 5) Take life day by day while never forgetting the bigger picture- The bustle of life can fog your goals, but it does not have to. Prioritize your hobbies, studies, relationships, etc. to allow yourself to enjoy life and to allow others to enjoy your company. Now that I have rambled for a bit, I would like to continue by thanking a few people individually. Firstly, I am the man I am today because of my family. Without my parents, Keith Miller and Connie, I might lack the morals that I pride myself on. My brother, Chris Miller, has always been the hand to pick me up, and I have looked up to him since I was a boy. He has helped me become the logical thinker, yet dreamer, I must be. Although I do not see my other brother, John Miller, much, I appreciate the years of laughs I have gotten to share with him and his girlfriend, Rechelle Kitty Shack. I would like to thank my family on my mom’s side. Mike, Jerry, Marissa Roane and Matt have always been supportive no matter what I decide to pursue. I would also like to thank my dad’s side including Yvonne Miller Hale, Jon, Ryan, Erin Hale Burnett, Rob, Ben Hale, Bud, Linda, Cassy, and Joel for their support. I have about 1000 friends, coworkers, and professors that I would like to personally thank, but cannot do so in this post. I would first like to thank my girlfriend, Katie Fischels, for being incredibly sweet and putting up with my stubborn ass. I would also like to thank my former roommates, Taylor McClendon and Nick Smith, for being great guys to live with. I owe a great deal of thanks to a few of my engineering buddies, **Michael Anthony Conger**, David Bein, Abhinav Sharma, Ted Hill, Adam Day, Di Wang, Charles, Jonathan Klecker, and Parker Koch, for helping me study and being great friends. I also need to thank a few of my closest college friends, Kyle Woods, Arp, Gabe Jardim, Reagan Bellard, Matt Woz, Harpreet Singh, Roger Pay, Yoshio Mpeg, Bayo Blackstallion Ajose, Grams Ajose, Jason Cardenas, Steve Amancha, Joe Dempsey, Gunnar Mills, Amanda Mileyna Delgado, Ryan Paul, George Daniel, Diego Flores, Joey Seidel, Ryan Van Meter, Alexander Khaykin, Philip Dehghan, Jared Michael, Chris Koechle, Anthony, and Aalok Mehta, for sticking by me no matter what or just always making me laugh hysterically. I need to send a special thanks to the advising office, including Megan Moss Allen and Kelli, for their help over the years. I am Facebook friends with two of my most admired educators, John Lukasko and Justin Garvin, so I would like to thank them in this post as well. Lastly, I would like to thank Crystal Group for giving me the opportunity to gain engineering experience through an internship this last summer. Chad, Alan, and Scott were amazing role models. I apologize if I forgot anyone in this status. With all of this said, I think there is a good opportunity to drink with some friends. I will be at Sports Column in downtown Iowa City on Saturday, December 20th at 7 PM. If you are around and would like to come, I would love to see you. Oh and PS.. I will be moving to Nashville around March to pursue a career in music and potentially acting! Thank you everyone!! * Graduation date ** One hella badass
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:43:15 +0000

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