To all of my exs friends who thinks I twisted the story up. - TopicsExpress


To all of my exs friends who thinks I twisted the story up. First off, he talks so much shit about ALL of you and idk why you would believe anything he says. Lol. Second off.. I have the dispatcher willing to testify as a witness because I was on the phone the whole time the incident occurred. The calls are recorded and it will be used as evidence. Secondly I did get into his vehicle. While he was inside getting his wallet and phone. He was trying to run from the cops and got in and started the truck before I could get out. He refused to stop but told me that if I didnt jump out of the vehicle he was going to wreck and kill us both! Then he elbows me in the chest and shoves my face into the window. My sister tried opening the door and getting me out but he still wouldnt stop. He had swapped tags, no insurance and no registration. He had already been pulled over twice that week because of it. He threatened me verbally as well he got in my face and said he was going to beat my GD eyes out of my f ing head while I was holding our daughter. She doesnt need to see or here that!!! So before you go choosing sides.. Ask him what he bought for our daughter? NOTHING! Ask him why he told me Josephine and I to live off the government, because he couldnt support us...but he had a half oz of weed at all times. Ask him why he made my 15 year old brother drive him home because he was too high to drive. Ask him why he was too busy to message and check on his daughter, but yet had time to add his ex gf on fb and creep two weeks after our daughter was born. Then lie about it when the evidence is on your phone!!! Ask him why when I was pregnant he didnt come see me for one holiday that I spent in the hospital, which was Christmas my birthday and New Years. Not even a call. Before when he showed up to the hospital he was high and his mom and sisters had to drive him home. Ask him why when Josephine was born he didnt even show up to see her till 9-10 at night, every night. Then went straight to bed. Never helped with anything. I understand he has to work but why couldnt he come a little earlier than 9-10 at night if he actually wanted to spend time with her? Yeah of course he is going to deny an d lie. Why would he admit his wrongs? Of course he would try to make me look like the liar. Ive got the evidence so Im not worried.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 05:46:12 +0000

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