To all of my friends - The message below is from a dear friend, - TopicsExpress


To all of my friends - The message below is from a dear friend, Roger Cyr. As you read , you will understand why I am posting this and asking that you lift up Roger and his family in prayer and reflect on his closing words. From Roger: Hello friends and family..... I trust all is well with each of you and I apologize for the massive distribution....but its great to know I have friends all over the country....I count it a blessing. Most of you are some I had the privilege of being with at our 40th class reunion,(wasnt it a blast?) the rest are great friends and family. I wanted to make you aware of a significant happening in our lives and ask for your prayers. Around the end o August of this year ( a couple of weeks before our reunion) I was hospitalized for five days with a severe bacterial infection that left me severely dehydrated. In the course of ruling causes out, a CT scan was done of my abdomen which ultimately showed an egg sized mass in my left kidney. I was referred to Charlotte and this past Monday saw a kidney doctor who specializes in these kind of things. His colleagues (12) had all reviewed the images (so I literally got 12 second opinions) and agreed that something needed to be done. (PS. I have no symptoms except for a few values on my bloodwork that are slightly out of range). Given the size of it there is an 80% probability it is malignant BUT....the good news based on another CT scan of my lungs is that it has not spread. So, I had two options; one, taking just the mass out (4 hour procedure with significant risks, or two, taking out the kidney, (1.5 hour procedure with much less risk.) I have opted for number two and it will be done December 9th and we are very comfortable with the doctor. Hence the request for prayer and I am asking that it be specific: 1. For Sara, Roger, and Rachel that they have the emotional strength to see me undergo another sugery....those who know me know I have had many!....and some major ones. 2. For the doctor, Dr. Roy, that God would give him wisdom and guide his hands, along with the team that will be assisting him. 3. For a rapid recovery (they are telling me 4-6 weeks) 4. Ultimately, for Gods healing hand in this issue......I know HIS promises and without a doubt know that HE desires we prosper and be in good health and by the stripes of HIS son Jesus we are healed. Personally, I am not fearful (not in denial ....I promise) and see the hand of God in all of this.....some of you may think Im nuts but the fact is if I hadnt been hospitalized with the sickness in 7-8 weeks ago, this mass would not have been found until it was too late....assuming it is malignant. Also, as I alluded to earlier I have had some major life threatening surgeries and had to retire a couple of years ago due to my health....a very rare lung condition in which the lungs have calcified and one that Duke University Hospital Pulmonary team knows of no one else in the country with this condition. The bottom line is I shoudnt even be alive based on my pulmonary function. So I have come through some pretty major stuff. Lastly, my true peace comes in knowing for nearly 34 years that Christ is my personal Saviour and that God has the ultimate plan for my life....and that is the most important thing I wanted to share with all of this...not my personal spiritual state but to ask you guys....where are you? Jesus said, In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. The bottom line is we cannot make it through the trials and tribulations of life without the abiding and present knowledge of Christ. HE said, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man comes to the Father except by ME. I fully expect to make it through this surgery fine but if I dont then the worse thing that happens (aside from leaving my wife, kids, and grandchild behind....shes so cute!) is that Im in the presence of my Saviour......its a sure knowledge that I pray for each of you. Thanks for the prayers and know that I love each of you. Roger PS. Janet B.......could you see that Kevin gets this? Dont have his e-mail Thanks
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:08:21 +0000

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