To all of my friends I wanted to share the latest health status - TopicsExpress


To all of my friends I wanted to share the latest health status with you, as I have been getting a lot of questions from a lot of folks. This explains where I am at, at least for now and what the road ahead looks like for the next few weeks. Thank you so much for all your prayers I am so blessed to have so many friends in my life. I am so sure that Jesus is with me every step of the way, that I really am at peace I know and feel his love every day. I have been so blessed throughout my life, God has blessed me and my family beyond anything I could have imagined. To be able to carry whatever crosses I can for him is by far the greatest blessing I will ever have in my life. I know in my heart that Jesus will continue to be with me everyday of my life and that he will help all of us get through our challenges no matter what they are as long as we place all our trust and hope in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Well we got back from Mayo last Thursday, some pretty good news, some ok news and some more concerning news. As far as my hepatitis C goes all the blood tests show that the hepatitis C is gone so that was good news the new treatment worked, next the pulmonary function test I had did not changed for the last couple months they were the same as they were last time I was there so that also was pretty good news the thing that has gotten worse has been my coughing and my occasional lung spasms which dont allow me to get any air from any source, but all in all at least a couple treatment options are now open that were not available with Hep C, not that will cure anything but they may stop things from getting worse however before we try any of them we need to meet with the transplantation group which will be tomorrow Tuesday. We meet with them back at mayo and they will start to make the determination if I am a transplant candidate or not. I am praying that I will be. Finally the new concern that has been raised is this , I have had a lot of what are called fascilations in my arms and legs its a lot of twitching. I did some tests in Omaha last week and they started talking about ALS. But I did not want to say anything to anyone until I had more info. then they sent me back to Mayo to get a test called an EMG its electro muscular cardiogram of the muscles and nerves, both test showed them I have something going on in my Thoracic area and I n my cervical area the suspicion is it could be ALS or it could be something less invasive they just dont know with out more tests. So this week when we meet with the transplant team they are also going to get some more neurological function tests done.theyre going to do a MRI of the spinal cord and of my neck area and of my thoracic area I think theyre going to knock me out for that because I told him the MRIs freak me out. They are also going to do an extensive urine test and blood test to try to figure out what maybe happening with the neurological stuff. The long and short of it is Im getting weak in certain parts of my body and when they did this EMG they did find areas where the neurological system isnt working right. These other test will also be used to try to figure out what neurologically is happening. If it is ALS it is probably game over so we are praying thats not it. For now we keep praying, trusting and Hoping In my best friend Jesus Christ.... I am 100% ready to carry whatever cross he asks me to carry in the hope that it will be a beautiful example of my love for Christ. Thank you all for your prayers Phil
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:20:31 +0000

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