To all of the 26 families and to Newtown: I am putting this - TopicsExpress


To all of the 26 families and to Newtown: I am putting this page up for deletion. I can no longer in good conscience keep it up. It will be totally removed within weeks. I have been finding myself torn these last few months. Torn between starting a new chapter in my life, and with being who I truly am, and with thoughts of letting this page go. This last mall shooting has put me over the edge. I can no longer watch the tears of so many mothers & do nothing & pretend that I can say Im sorry & some prayers and take no responsibilty. Gun violence should not be sugar-coated anymore. It has reached epidemic proportions and is only getting worse. Too many mentally ill, unstable, and irresponsible people are getting their hands on guns too easily. And the NRA only wants there to be more guns on the street. There is nothing wrong with being mentally ill, I myself suffer from some anxiety. But, there is something wrong with letting mentally ill and violent individuals get guns so easily. I can no longer turn the other cheek as toddlers are killing themselves & others with guns, and as pretty pink rifles are being marketed to children, violent games are desensitizing kids to violence & and as one more parent is told their child has been killed. I cant do it out of respect to all of you & those you have lost. I cant make political statements from my heart here out of respect for you & I can no longer remain silent on this issue. It is not being true to myself, and it is not being true to my morals and values. The founding fathers never intended this to happen. Im sure they are shedding tears over the violence that is ruining our society. They meant for us to progress and govern according to the good of all people, not just a select few. And the pursuit of happiness is what freedom is all about. I wish ALL of you happiness and much love. I will always care about you & those lost & do what I can to support you by other means now. If you ever need me, I will be there for you. You can reach me on my other page which will be totally non-political. Send me a message quickly and I will let you know about it if you are interested. You may also have my Newtown poems and any t-shirt designs you want. I will keep my Cafepress store open until summer for my Rock prints or any last minute things you may want. I will continue to spread love for the rest of my life because of the Angels, who I have grown to care about deeply. But, I will also do more now to help stop the violence. Moms, dads, responsible gun owners- please help out the wonderful groups formed to put an end to this madness. Please make many phone calls to help legislation be created & pass. Please really look at yourselves in the mirror & say- do I want to watch reports of mass shootings every day & see AR 15s everywhere on the streets? Do I want to break out in a cold sweat every time I have to drop my children off at school & think this may be the last time I ever see them? Or do I want to do something about this problem? Change can happen if we all come together, for all of our different reasons, to put an end to this. Im tired of writing sad poems. Im tired of seeing the pain in distraught parents faces. Im tired of worrying about my children wherever I go. Lets make this country a civil, loving, safe place again. Lets make a difference! Lets let them hear us roar! Goodbye & Good Luck.... Love always, Kathy
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 15:36:53 +0000

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