To all of the Colts fans, Patriots-haters and conspiracy theorists - TopicsExpress


To all of the Colts fans, Patriots-haters and conspiracy theorists complaining about Ball-gate 2015 and the fixed NFL; 1) Did you actually watch the game? It was a complete mismatch of abilities! - Did de-flated balls give LeGarrette Blount such an advantage that the Colts could not tackle him? - Perhaps it kept the Colts from being able to properly read offenses and cover players? That must be it, because theres no way the left tackle, Nate Solder could have basically walked in to the end zone uncovered, to catch a touch down! -OH, I know what happened! Andrew Luck figured it out so early in the game, and he became soooo distracted and upset, leading him to a 12 of 33 for 126 yards performance. Poor guy had Belichick messing with his head all night! 2) 11 of 12 under inflated balls or not; A. Most of you would not know the difference. B. If after having your team blown out in the AFC championship, you need to cry cheating; claim unfair advantages as an excuse; and blame NFL management for doing a terrible job of secretly fixing games, THEN YOU ALL ARE A BUNCH OF CLASSLESS, PATHETIC LOSERS! Wake up, your team didnt show up to play and you should think about how your own teams management failed you by not focusing on the big game and filling holes in line ups with a major injury, a player facing rape charges and another missing the game because he couldnt get to the airplane on time. Discipline gets you to Superbowls, not complaining of cheating AFTER you lose.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:37:49 +0000

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