To all of the faces I miss seeing. Seriously though, there are - TopicsExpress


To all of the faces I miss seeing. Seriously though, there are nights like tonight where I do so hard Facebook stalking to see how your lives are going, if you gotten married, had children, bought a house, going to school, in a foreign country... so much life has happened! I really do hope and pray that as God is meeting you right now, that you all accept it, and continue to pursue him. I loved reading Faiths and Nathan’s Facebook posts, and although my life doesnt sound nearly as cool as theres, the way that God has worked through me and continues to break and rebuild me, is truly remarkable. So currently, I am still in Alaska, where it is FREEZING! I’m pretty Scott, Braden and all the other Canadians may understand. But trust me when I say, it is not only cold it is dark. I said goodbye to the sun at 3:30 this afternoon. I have a year left of school! Which is incredible. I took some time off to get my heart in the right place, which prolonged my graduation date, but was one of the best decisions I made. I also work for a local coffee roasting company, where I still get to make delicious coffee, but get to be on the office side as well. The church I am involved with is incredible. I have made a family there, that has held me accountable and yet loved me no matter my choices. Life has been difficult, and the pain of remembering the days of YWAM are sometimes crippling. I recently opened up a box I shoved away, full of notes, my journal and pretty much everything from YWAM. I read it for the first time since being home, and boy was it hard. God is faithful. And I have had the privilege to encounter Jesus everyday. There was a season when I wasnt listening. But God is graceful, and merciful. And every time I get sad, because the days in Perth with all of you, truly were the happiest days I have lived, I’m thankful. Im thankful for he privilege of meeting all of you, to see Jesus work in your lives and my own. And to have you leaders, Rachel Elizabeth Patterson, Scott Thiessen, Quenton Gavin Peake, Brontë Klapstein, Tirza Hartono, Chenaniah Magele, Christi Hawkins, Romano Mantel, Ashlee Churm, Miriam Sode that were so on fire, and following and trusting the Lord even when it was extremly difficult and exhausting. So I just wanted to thank you all. Thank you for the impact you have permanently left on my heart. For the way you loved, pushed and encouraged each other. And thank you for showing me what a family looks like. I have never experienced the love of Jesus, like I did in those short 6 months, and thats an expression of all of your willingness to allow Jesus to lead your life and your heart. I love you guys, and I really do hope that your heart, your eyes, your life is still fixed upon Jesus. Even the days when it sucks, remember what Paul said, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength” Philippians 4:12-13. Although currently I am not where I thought I would be, I am where God called me to be. It’s hard, and seems like an uphill battle daily, but God gives me the strength to continue, he is my hope, my savior, and whom I cling to. I pray that wherever you are on this earth, wherever your heart and mind may be, that you would continue to press in to the one who saved you. Love you all
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 07:01:36 +0000

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