To all our friends here on HOPE FOR HEIDI: We have been quiet - TopicsExpress


To all our friends here on HOPE FOR HEIDI: We have been quiet for a while,we know. It has been a tremendous roller coaster for Heidi and for us.. For those who dont know,this is what happened: Wednesday: We rush Heidi to the hospital. We are told her remaining kidney has shut down completely and her heart wont make it at the rate shes hyperventilating. We are taken into a private room and told to say our goodbyes,and that Heidi wont make it through the night. Long night laid ahead.. Thursday: Heidi made it through the night! After Dr.s meet at Heidis bedside,they decide to give her emergency dialysis. Another rough day,but she is given a second chance at life,if she survives, they say. She cant speak and is very dazed and confused. Shes still on a ventilator. Another rough night ahead. Friday: Shes had 2 dialysis session,and the toxins are busy being removed slowly. But in the process,toxins are being pushed to her brain,causing sever confusion. Due to her state,she has to be restrained as the Drs fear she will remove her dialysis line.This causes bad bruising due to her movement during the procedure. She hasnt eaten in 3 days,and they wont put in an IV with nutrients yet. But every dialysis session brings her back a bit more every day. Yet another long night ahead. Saturday: She is off the ventilator! She recognizes people and replies to comments and questions slowly and with only 3 or 4 words. Her legs wont work properly due to the shock,low potassium and muscle atrophy. 80% of her arms look blue and bruised due to restraints and needles. She is recovering,but slowly. The realization,that without dialysis or a new kidney,she would slip away again starts setting in. BUT so far its been miracle after miracle,so were not giving up! Sunday: Shes talking a bit more! She starts eating a little! She starts asking question about the events of the past week,as she remembers fragments and nothing makes sense. And this is only after 3 and a half sessions of dialysis! They are getting ready to move her on Monday. Monday: Shes been moved to Helen Joseph. Its now up to them,regarding her treatment from here on out. If they decide to not give her dialysis,then we are back to square ONE. 3 hours after they transferred her,Heidi went missing! We eventually found her,just to find out that they didnt allocate her a bed and she might have to sleep in the hallway or in shitty room in casualty! We refused to go until they found a bed. After a couple of hours they found a bed,but no porters to move her,as she is still in an ambulance bed. Very hastily we were asked to follow a nurse and bring the bed We got here into the ward after a long trip to the other side of the hospital. The Dr. on duty was very nice and said that she is a prime candidate for peritoneal dialysis (long story short,its a pipe in the stomach with fluid being pumped in and out every 4 hours to filter toxins) and that they are more lenient with treatment here. Tuesday: D-DAY.... The nephrologist does a thorough check up and tells Heidi a couple of things... 1)She actually not too overweight for the program as previous told( which was one of the main reasons for them not giving her the dialysis to begin with).Her hernia is the problem,and adds weight on top of her water retention. 2)Due to the hernia she isnt eligible for PD at all. 3)BUT SHE IS A PRIME CANDIDATE FOR THE H.DIALYSIS PROGRAM! So after begging,pleading,fighting,legal threats,attempts at fundraising,100s of procedures and more,Heidi has been added to the Government Dialysis Program! If she stays healthy and fit,she might also be eligible for the transplant list! Since then Heidi has been in hospital(which puts us at nearly 2 rough weeks in hospital) awaiting a permanent H.D.line. She might come out for a day or 2 to visit us,and then go back in for the surgery. Its a second chance at life,if she sticks to all the rules,stays healthy and fit. But she has her family backing her all the way,AS WELL AS YOU FOLKS! Remember that Heidi has been retrenched.She has no savings or back up funds to help. She has a family of close friends helping out with her basic monthly expenses and that helps out a lot.But we are still trying to sus out a basic medical scheme that the family can afford,or get donations or sponsorships to help us manage her medical treatments,GP visits and medicine outside of the dialysis the governments providing. So keep an eye out for possible fundraisers and donation avenues if youre keen to contribute towards this worthy cause. There are possibilities in the pipeline for funding to help out,but well let you know if and when it happens. Thanx to all the Dr.s and nurses,friends and family that stood by Heidi and us through this tough time. To the people spreading rumors that weve given up on my mother,WE DIDNT SEE YOU AT THE HOSPITAL....Cough Cough! To the people trying to take control of my moms medical care,understand that unless you go through the family,you are not allowed to make calls on her behalf. If you want to help,then please contact me and let me take care of it please! We thank everybody for their support,love and contribution during all of this! Much love to you all! D. And family.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 08:32:02 +0000

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