To all parents out there. Please stop for a minute and look at - TopicsExpress


To all parents out there. Please stop for a minute and look at what you may be doing to your children. Dont give in to them when they scream for candy and junk food. A treat is jut that, a treat, not a replacement for a meal. Candy, Happy Meals, soda should be considered a treat, something they get for doing something special. Teachers should STOP giving candy out for classroom behavior. Try giving them an eraser or crazy straw. I am seeing way too many kids these days that are FAT. They are not plump, they are not husky, they are not covered in baby fat, they are F-A-T. Another suggestion, make them go outside and play. Run around and scream like a banshee, work off that blubber. Limit their sedentary time at the gaming system or watching TV. My son loved his Nintendo (the very 1st model with Mario) and he loved Happy Meals, but he only got a Happy Meal after his softball games on Saturday or he had pizza with his teammates. He was active outside. We would go swimming together, I would help him with his catching and his swing. He was allowed to play Nintendo while I made dinner, then he had to come to the table and eat like a human as I always said. On Saturdays, after we would spend the morning at the pool, he could play the game but he usually fell asleep on the sofa reading a book. Even as a single working mother I had a job to do and that was to make sure my son was healthier than I was at the same age. I was one of those dumpling kids. I was insecure about everything and what do you give a child who has no friends? A package of cookies. I had to not only beat my background, I had to beat my genes. It gets harder as you age, so start your kids, right now, on better eating habits so they do not end up like this guy on the gurney. You know what really pisses me off about the video? It is the Youtube commenters who have decided that the video is singling out IT people, gamers, single mothers and heredity. They would rather take offense at this video than listen to it. That is sad.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 21:25:20 +0000

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