To all people from around the world with Face Book............ - TopicsExpress


To all people from around the world with Face Book............ As I watch this video and pop in my though about people from around the world ..... to be honest with you from my bottom of my HEART.... most people around the world are most beautiful SPIRIT ..... Now let talk about other countries just as of North Korea , USSA , Iran , Syria and so on that dislike USA..... those people are not evil of any kind.... It is just that they truly not know the truth about the world and been brainwash the wrong way ...... We need to have a very strong UNCONDITIONAL LOVE to all people around the world........ Now we have FACE BOOK that share around the world... Please tell the world that WE LOVE YOU AND NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE ........................ Please do not stop here from sharing about what I said... Please tell the world that we care..... in the near future with our childrens children that learn the powerful meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.... EARTH SHALL BRING PEACE WITH STRONG UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND SHALL NEVER BEING HATE ..... END THE WARS IN ANY WAY WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TO GIVE FROM PEOPLES HEART..... Love and Light ; Ronald Swanson ( this video will make you think about those kind of lovely spirit people that just great joy to think about all people around the world )
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 19:43:09 +0000

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