To all, thank you for your prayers and blessings. Living in this - TopicsExpress


To all, thank you for your prayers and blessings. Living in this land of not knowing is torture. Weve been watching a slight heart murmur for six months. Took Tiger in for his radiograph. The heart is just fine - no changes -- no enlargement - and he is showing absolutely NO SIGNS of ANYTHING! His respiration rate at rest is 11 beats poer minute. This is astounding! But on the radiograph they saw something abnormal on the stomach, liver, pancreas or spleen. Ultrasounds (as oppposed to radiographs) show soft tissue abnormalities so we go in Wednesday, March 26 for the Ultrasound. I will be allowed to restrain Tiger while we do this (since I know what Im doing.) Sheldon is at a handball tournament out of town right now, so I am slightly not concentrating on anything and I think Ive lost my memory. Meanwhile, Tiger the Wonder Poodle is perfect -- there are no eating changes (he is voracious), weight gains or loss, everything is 100 percent. Tiger is the same Tiger he has always been. Please send him your prayers. Please?
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:09:44 +0000

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