To all that care and want to understand more - From Lisa This is - TopicsExpress


To all that care and want to understand more - From Lisa This is a crucial subject that is ignored consistently and swept under the carpet by administration/administrators of these large multi-specialty systems that are gobbling up all medical specialties (private practice? Almost non-existent due to the wretched direction that so many docs see medicine heading. Everyone wants to blame the white house. That is not where this problem ends or begins. These health care systems that talk about how much they care for their doctors, that they are here for them/us, to help with any problem, be supportive. However, when it comes down to it, its all about the money (revenue, overly concerned about malpractice). Its far easier to systematically eliminate the problem (that would be any physician that behaves in a human manner). The worst part is, medical school frequently causes PTSD, but that is just the beginning. No one tells you what you are headed for. Administrators and insurance companies need to start paying attention to what is happening. They are missing the point. Administrators/companies want happy patients and lots of money (not in that order). They understand that to get one, you need the other. As it stands, 65-70% of docs are reporting at least one or more of the 3 signs of burnout or compassion fatigue. And that is only the ones that are admitting to it. Many dont feel safe telling anyone in these companies that claim to be so supportive. This is for good reason. Many might dispute this, but it is because it is done so covertly. The day that a physician shares anything relating to a struggle or difficulty they might be having, is the day that a target is drawn on their back by one, as the other looks at them sincerely and tells them that they are going to work to get them whatever they need to facilitate change. Many of these companies have only the employee assistance program, which is better than nothing. But fear of retaliation, intimidation, or being seen as weak or crazy, among other things, causes them to shove those feelings down, day after day, as the pain increases. This is where we see tragic outcomes. I lost a friend during med school. She was in her first month of residency. Residency was rough, but I personally would give anything to go back to that now. It is such a sad day when you realize that the calling you have felt throughout your life, the studies that you have loved and devoted half of your life to, the true art that you have within you to help others, and the desire to make a difference in this world, is not - and will never be - what you thought it was going to be. To the insurance companies, administrations/administrators, politicians, and patients to some extent - you want a healthy bottom line and happy patients? You are missing the forest for the trees - its not happy patients, happy insurance companies, or happy administrators that are needed. Those are the entities that everyone talks about changing, making adjustments with, etc. You are missing it - it is the doctors. Its like trying to make a reeses peanut butter cup without the peanut butter (not a good plan, btw:) Doctors get trampled by everyone, from every direction. These are the incredible, caring, compassionate, tough people that started out wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. And for so many, that fire and passion gets snuffed out from literally every direction. And all too often, any support system that might have been there when the journey commenced, is snuffed out too. Many of these people have never known hopelessness until they became doctors. That is the worst part - they started out well and inspired to make a difference. And the very calling that they felt, becomes the job that they are literally trapped within, and gradually or rapidly sucks them dry. Empty emotional treasure chests that start out full with the owners ready willing and able to give, it smothers and mutates them, their families, their values, their integrity and almost all that was good and pure in them is gone - leaving an empty shell, a ghost, who is still expected to give everything to everyone else, without keeping anything for themselves. If the people in charge of these medical systems (they know who they are) want to see a better bottom line - its not the patients you need to focus on. Happy patients come with good care. And a little secret - good care comes from...(Ill give you 3 guesses) - YES:) Healthy, happy, inspired, passionate, compassionate doctors who are rewarded and TRULY, GENUINELY encouraged to give themselves as much compassion as they have given and continue to give to their patients - day after day - even though they have nothing left. And may I say one more thing (since you have made it this far:) - the next time you go in to see your doctor - please know that we truly care for our patients, and as easy as everything appears to be - things are not always cut and dry. We are just as much at the mercy of the system, which is controlled by people other than us. Please know that the profession is far different than it appears from the outside. Doctors are simply humans, battling in the trenches day after day, and many expect us to be super human all the time. We are doing the very best we can to care for you, your family, and everyone else, and their family. The medical system has been changing for many years, and it is taking its toll on the patients, of course. But few seem to realize how drastically we have been affected as well (and please know, this is absolutely NOT about money). There are many that would leave the profession right now if they could, because they feel that they are not making a difference and the illusion of integrity has been shattered over and over. Many patients view our relationship as a hostile dependency. Doctors have to start caring for themselves, or sadly, the suicide rate will continue to climb, without a doubt. So hopefully, the next time you go in to see your doctor, and maybe they are running late, or something was not exactly right during your visit - please consider what you have just read. Doctors heal others, but who is there to heal the doctors? Maybe if someone is willing to show compassion for us, just as human beings, we will also learn to show compassion to ourselves. Thank you for caring:)
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 23:56:41 +0000

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